Greens will defend freedom of speech in court

Source: Green Party – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Greens will defend freedom of speech in court

“Colin Craig’s decision to press ahead with his defamation case stunt is disappointing,” a Green Party spokesperson said.

“This case is a diversion from the issues that really matter to New Zealanders.

“This year’s election should be about debating the real issues such as people struggling to pay their power bills and facing mortgage hikes and increased costs – the Green Party will continue to work to make New Zealand a smart, greener, more compassionate place to live.

“Colin Craig may want to spend his time arguing in court, but the Green Party will continue to focus its energy on the issues that are important to everyday New Zealanders.

“The Green Party will defend this case because we believe in freedom of political speech and an inclusive and tolerant society.”

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