Reminding Journalists what a great PM actually looks like



Reminding Journalists what a great PM actually looks like


  1. John A Lee DCM was the man who wrote much of the press releases, articles to educate the public about how they were getting done over by the capitalist elite and what was needed to forge a better path.

    Lee also published much material of his own.

    An astute orator and leader of men, a Kiwi brought up through poverty and a broken childhood, war veteran who lost an arm, a battler for socialist ideas who amounted to the critical force NZ and Labour needed at the time. He was cited by many to be PM but was a modest man.

    Without john A Lee Savage, Frazer and Nash would not have risen to the popularity and power they enjoyed.
    Lee had the largest majority ever seen yet they did not make him a minister. He was made captive in a role of Under Secretary and later was given charge of Housing.

    It was Lee who pressed for and finally swayed the party to embark on State housing manipulated. He had to force his ideas on the party leaders who promised much but had to be pushed on many issues.

    The critical banking reforms were never implemented after Nash visited the bankers in London.

    Lee was eventually expelled from the party on a pretext.

    Labour lives on the history of Lees ideas and actions.

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