A brief word on America shutting down


APTOPIX Pakistan US Drone Protest

So the American Government has shut down – rather than panic, we should be focused on how can we make that permanent.

The thousands and thousands and thousands of innocent men, women and children killed by drone strikes would be dancing in the streets at the idea the US Government has been shut down.

The murderous rampage of state sanctioned assassinations by the Obama Administration in the form of these Drone strikes, minus any judicial ramifications whatsoever, is a blight on America, and if they can be paused for one moment by US Politicians bickering over the budget, then I for one raise a toast to America being shut down for as long as possible.


  1. Why can’t we have the same kind of thing here?

    There was a recent story on globalresearch.ca that says western intelligence agencies were complicit in the Kenya mall attacks.
    According to the story, the attacks may be a part of a geopolitical strategy to counter the rising influence of China in Africa.

    There was certainly evidence on mainstream media that western security forces were in the area, so perhaps the story has merit. The relationship between Al Qaeda and Saudi Arabia has been reported on numerous occasions.
    Banking and oil interests can be used to link the political dots.

    These are the allies our intelligence agencies are associating with, through programs like the 5 eyes surveillance network.
    Our government is therefore likely to be complicit in unlawful drone strikes…what else are they contributing towards?

    • You really must have a huge chip on your shoulder if you believe that it was western government that were behind the Kenyan Mall attacks?

      Also why people are taking delight at the shutdown I’m reminded of stuff’s blogger James Robinson, who when he wrote of The Boston Bombing, a city he had spent years living in, someone replied…

      “What about Iraq?”

      I Loved his reply…

      “The “what-about-Iraq” comments here miss the point.
      I stewed on them for a couple of days and what I have to say is this.

      If you grieve a friend of yours dying, are you being
      disrespectful to everyone else that died that day? No.

      I lived in Boston. I live in America. This was big news to me.
      I’m well versed in Iraqi policy and America’s failings there.
      And don’t just zero in on Iraq because its in the news.
      People are dying in huge numbers in places that America
      didn’t invade too. There’s a lot of bad stuff out there, always
      happening. That doesn’t mean that seeing bombs going off in
      my former home isn’t somewhat traumatic. I hope I never have
      to sit next to you guys at a dinner party.”

      Something to think about Martyn, before you write something so hateful.

      • “You really must have a huge chip on your shoulder if you believe that it was western government that were behind the Kenyan Mall attacks?”

        Not at all. I find it very sad that there’s evidence western interests are initiating conflicts unlawfully.

        There’s significant evidence of Saudi involvement in the Syria chemical weapons attacks. There’s reports of hacked emails showing US intelligence involvement as well.

        What the mainstream media has been reporting avoids a great deal of the evidence available.
        The overall evidence available shows that it leads all the way up to unlawful banking practices and the petrodollar.

        If you haven’t already, search ‘meet your strawman’.

  2. Drones are still flying – the shutdown effects the poor bastards who run the civilian side of the military (as well as the other 800,000 who are off without pay) but not the core functions.
    Pretty depressing really.

  3. pretty sure they will still be funding drone strikes, apparently only civilian military staff are affected. Don’t see how this is a good thing with social services and regulatory authorities out of commisssion.

    • The only people being screwed in this are those who have nothing to do with it. Forest and Park rangers, cleaners, DMV staff etc etc. Like I said, depressing really.

    • [Quote] “The thousands and thousands and thousands of innocent men, women and children killed by drone strikes would be dancing in the streets at the idea the US Government has been shut down.”

      Bradbury should have inserted the phrase “that at least some parts of” “before “the US Government”.

      Drone strikes are a top US Priority, right up there with continuing to pay members of the Senate including those “Tea-party” members who brought on the shut-down.

      As you know, Martyn, Drone-strikes have not been shut down. Congress salaries have not been shut down. Get the RHETORIC right, Martyn. Otherwise your priorities are likely to appear to be no more honourable than those of the US Government . . .

  4. but but but but … no government means rioting chaos and society breakdown overnight, doesnt it? Save us………

    oh hang on… chaos didnt happen again, maybe we only need some admin staff and we can go along ok with out so called “rulers” to line their pockets
    and start fucking wars for resources.

    also I hear that the senators are still on full pay while the workers are fucked again. Jeebus cripes they have no honor at all!

    • “also I hear that the senators are still on full pay while the workers are fucked again. Jeebus cripes they have no honor at all!”

      27th Amendment, Phil.

      “No law, varying the compensation for the services of Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.”
      In other words pay is guaranteed by the US Constitution until such a time congressional/senatorial elections are held

      • @ TheContrarian -Yep, the scumbags are hiding behind the 27th Amendment! It protects the real culprits in this issue, none other than the politicians, from not being paid, while every other poor bugger at the bottom end of the state food chain, remains unpaid!

        And remember too, these are the same pond life our PM, sucks up to at every opportunity! Says it all really, doesn’t it?

  5. Well call me old fashioned but it looks like a Lock Out to me. You know like Talleys did to the Meatworkers union members last year.

    I bet the nosey bastards at the NSA are still allowed in to their work stations oh, and air traffic controllers too.

    • You are spot on – it is perhaps the biggest lockout of workers in history and has done nothing to halt the military.
      The Govt shutdown inflicts more pain on working families.There is nothing good about it.

  6. and if they can be paused for one moment by US Politicians bickering over the budget,

    They can’t – active military personnel and campaigns are continuing. It’s everything else, essential social services, that have been shut down.

  7. No government is way worse than a good government and arguably worse than a bad government (depending on how bad the government is).

  8. Um. The military doesn’t shut down. What does shut down is a whole lot of social services that people rely on to feed their families, and a whole lot of public servants (~800,000) get locked out of work. And if the GOP carries on with this madness and refuses to raise the debt ceiling, the US$ crashes and sends the global economy into a tailspin, when it’s still recovering from the last one. Which the disaster capitalists will love, of course.

    But by all means, let’s raise a toast.

  9. A US government shutdown sounds more fun than it is. The people who lose out are the people who actually do the work, not the scumbag politicians.

  10. Also, the NSA isn’t shut down but FOIA requests (Freedom of Information) are.

    And what comes next is Obama pretending to ‘compromise’ to get exactly what he and all the millionaires in Congress want.

    The one shutdown which I hope the world will continue to insist upon is the shutdown of an attack on Syria.

    That one was real and I hope will lead to a more peaceful world.

  11. I sincerely hope that Martyn Bradbury had his tongue firmly pressed into his cheek as he wrote this article for, as many comments have pointed out, it’s the lower scale government workers who have been disadvantaged by this Republican attempt at ObamaCare blackmail.

  12. What a disgusting vile anti american article.

    Again typical of anyone who is extreme left, not to provide actual stats and hard data to back themselves up.

    So you raise a toast to the USA government being shut down? Im sure people who cant get the services they need are happy that your grinning ear to ear.

    • What is your point here, Brett? Are you suggesting that ‘actual stats and hard data’ would prevail on Barry and get him to admit he’s a warmonger who needs to stop authorising drone strikes on Pakistani villages?

      • Nope cementry, its the typical anti american response from a left wing blogger, you see it all time, especially if there is a big news story in the states, people may right something sympathetic towards the USA (say with the boston bombing) but the responses are normally the same…

        What about Iraq? (which of course has nothing to do with the Boston Bombing)

        The blogger from stuff, James Robinson had a perfect response to this, he wrote….

        “The “what-about-Iraq” comments here miss the point.
        I stewed on them for a couple of days and what I have to say is this.

        If you grieve a friend of yours dying, are you being
        disrespectful to everyone else that died that day? No.

        I lived in Boston. I live in America. This was big news to me.
        I’m well versed in Iraqi policy and America’s failings there.
        And don’t just zero in on Iraq because its in the news.
        People are dying in huge numbers in places that America
        didn’t invade too. There’s a lot of bad stuff out there, always
        happening. That doesn’t mean that seeing bombs going off in
        my former home isn’t somewhat traumatic. I hope I never have to sit next to you guys at a dinner party.”

        That totally sums it for me.

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