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National declares war on Kiwis’ wages

Source: Labour Party – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: National declares war on Kiwis’ wages

Darien Fenton  | 
Tuesday, June 4, 2013 – 16:12

Government changes to employment law set to come before Parliament this evening will make life even harder for working Kiwis, says Darien Fenton, Labour’s spokesperson for Labour Issues.

“The changes will have a knock-on effect throughout the labour market and entrench the government’s determination to ensure New Zealand has a low wage economy.

“It’s particularly worrying that the Minister of Labour Simon Bridges demonstrated in question time today that he has no idea of the consequences of his legislation.

“His own department has advised him that under his bill, new workers doing the same work can be paid less, but he’s in denial about that.

“The extraordinary proposals to fine workers 10% of their pay and allow pay below minimum wage even when full hours are worked were described as a “level playing field” by the Minister today.

“With these changes National cements its status as the low wage king.  By taking away New Zealander’s right to fair wage negotiation, Kiwi workers will see their real wages fall.

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“Every change, from allowing employers to walk away from negotiations, to stopping people from finding out why they’ve been sacked, to taking away the right to a tea break, is about National looking after their mates at the expense of everyone else.

“There’s a better way than this constant grinding down of Kiwi workers.

“Labour will look to do employment law completely differently, but in the meantime, we will join workers in strongly opposing these backward looking reforms,” says Darien Fenton.

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