Comedy Fest Review: Titty bar ha-ha (3.5 stars)



I’m a bit of a cabaret fan so am always pretty keen to check out anything that opens. Sadly there is a lot of trite cabaret out there that doesn’t have any of the vocal skills necessary to make the event memorable, Titty bar ha-ha is worth going just for the singing.

The narrative was easy to set aside (it’s London during the blitz and both well to do society girls have killed and hidden an ex and are running the ‘Titty Bar Ha-Ha’), but the comedy was adult and the moments hilarious.

Highlights were the dueling kazoos, a wonderful mash up of tainted love and bang bang, and a breast puppet show where breasts complete with wigs, eyes and mouths (the nipples were noses) sang french love songs.

There is always a risk at cabaret that you will get dragged up on stage. The first unlucky victims had to keep there mouths closed while bubbles fizzed and was won by a model wearing an hilarious ‘little death’ t-shirt, the second draft unluckily included me. Two other participants and I had to do a sexy burlesque dance with gloves on stage. Unfortunately based on crowd cheers, I won which required me staying on stage, being blindfolded while having a song sung to me by what I could only ascertain was one of the society girls doing something fairly rude on my lap.

On second thoughts I’ll give it 4 stars.

It’s a very funny show, and you see why they are loved and celebrated in Adelaide.

PLAYING 10th, 11th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th @ The Basement

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