Corbyn’s Labour slashes Tory lead to 5 points


Labour slashes Tory lead to just five points in latest poll taken this week

Labour has slashed the Conservatives’ lead in the polls to just five points, the latest YouGov/Times results show. 

The party has made consistent gains in recent weeks as leader Jeremy Corbyn claimed his message was finally getting through to voters. 

The results show a four point change since last week when the Tories were leading by nine percentage points – the first time Labour had narrowed the gap to single figures since Theresa May called the snap election on 18 April. 

The momentum is now with Labour, much to the shock of the Political punditry, The Guardian, the right wing of Labour and the Tories.

An actual Left wing Party promoting real Left wing policy will scare the shit out of the establishment, expect a vicious backlash if Corbyn gets close.

A Corbyn win would also scare the bejesus out of other Labour Party’s around the world. Just compare the lacklustre nothingness of NZ Labour with what Corbyn is promising.

Is it no wonder that Labour NZ  languish at around 30% when they are offering so little?

Look at this for leadership, Corbyn in 2003 had this to say about the immoral invasion of Iraq...

Thousands more deaths in Iraq will not make things right. It will set off a spiral of conflict, of hate, of misery, of desperation that will fuel the wars, the conflict, the terrorism, the depression, and the misery of future generations.

…how powerful are those words in the wake of Manchester?

If Corbyn can pull this off, it will be a greater political comeback than the second coming of Christ.


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  1. Martyn,

    In a twist of fate even Crobyn may like what Trump is targeting with this article on his long term plan to move away from the old financial empire of money and power and stand alone also?

    We should do the stand alone thing to as we can be self supporting without the “Global hegemony” controlling us to.

    President Trump Revives LaRouche’s ‘American System of Political Economy’

    The Hamiltonian – vol 2 – number 10 .pdf

    Too many Americans are unaware of what President Trump intends to accomplish, let alone do they understand the means for its success. The media on all sides, some through outright treason, while others through a severe lack of understanding, have not covered his clearly stated commitment to revive the very essence of the greatest of the American traditions – the American System of political-economy.

    Not since William McKinley has a President been so clear in his intent to return the nation to the economic tradition of Alexander Hamilton, to end the policies of British Imperial free trade, and make a full commitment to industry, manufacturing, scientific advancement and world peace. Not since Franklin Roosevelt has our nation applied these principles for national recovery and development, which are so urgently required today. The American people must now take it upon themselves to understand this American System tradition, and the means by which it can be applied most successfully today.

    Most Americans and citizens of other nations no longer know of the American System of political-economy.

    In the estimation of Mr. LaRouche, the President “means it,” i.e. he truly intends to return to the economic policies of Alexander Hamilton.

    Shut Down the British System
    It starts with an outright rejection of the British system of free trade, i.e. the drug pushing, speculative finance, terrorism, perpetual war, and a fascist police state. The same British system which for the better part of the past year has been driving the Truman-inspired “Red Scare” campaign to discredit Donald Trump’s Presidency and drive him from the White House.

    The “get Trump” McCarthyism is a British operation, and the British are desperately frantic because Trump wants to return—after decades of disastrous “globalization” and deindustrialization”—to the American System of economy. Trump made clear during his campaign that he appreciates the benefits of peace, of stopping Bush’s and Obama’s endless wars, and in collaborating with Russia (and implicitly China) to accomplish these goals.

    Thus a British intelligence “dossier” was produced by MI-6 Agent Chris Steele, first for the Bush operation, then passed on to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and was widely circulate throughout the Obama administration—it was even possibly paid for by Obama’s FBI—all to target Donald Trump’s campaign and Presidential transition with false and perverse allegations. Nothing in this report has ever been shown to be true, even by the yellow journalists at CNN, et al.

    And it is this document which is all the Democratic Party’s leadership has ever had, to which they continue to refer, as they turn into a McCarthyite mob looking for “Russians” lurking behind every White House column. Even the DNC servers that were supposedly hacked by the “Russians” have never even been looked at by the FBI, but rather, only by a private company which supported Hillary’s campaign.

    All of this is sustained with the hopes of diverting from the real crimes of the Obama administration, including the wire-tapping of Trump’s transition team (amid the mass-murder policies they enforced over the last eight years!), all of which is becoming increasingly more difficult to hide by the day. There are even calls to investigate Soros’s operations abroad. Might Obama stay on his Tahitian island for good, is increasingly possible.

    Today it means taking down Wall Street’s mega-casinos by restoring the Glass-Steagall Act; establishing a Hamiltonian national bank for infrastructure and manufacturing; investing trillions in the highest technology new infrastructure; developing fusion power, and returning to the Moon and to deep space with human colonization and development.

    Today, the American System means linking up with China’s New Silk Road initiative, where 60 nations are making such agreements in a “win-win” paradigm.
    The Schiller Institute and EIR are building a major international conference next month in New York City to bring Trump’s United States into that new paradigm, where the “American System” can flourish.

    President Trump’s commitment to the American System today is serious.

    The more Americans that know what it should mean, and will act on that, the better the chance the British System era of “globalization” will end, and the New American Renaissance will begin during Trump’s early Presidency.
    Thursday, March 30, 2017
    The Hamiltonian

  2. Must be just about time for another round of terrorist bombs to give the Conservatives a boost in the polls. The last think ISIS, Saudi Arabia and others want is a British government that stops selling arms to the middle east and takes a more neutral position.

  3. Maybe the UK public has finally realised that the key to avoiding terrorist attacks is to not terrorise other countries. Corbyn has been consistent in his peaceful foreign policy.

  4. We can only hope and dream but all the momentum is with Corbyn now and people are finally waking up and deserting the neo -liberal Tory ship in their droves.
    I have watched several recent interviews of both May and Corbyn and I can see why Theresa May doesn’t want to debate him.
    Corbyn is a formidable interviewee and eloquent speaker and very much on top of his game . He would eat her alive .
    May’s interviews have been trainwrecks . She is totally at sea and comes across as if she is out of her depth ,relying only on reciting tired old Crosby Textor lines….Stable economic managers etc blah blah blah…
    No depth of thought going on there!
    I remember when Norman Kirk won for Labour in N.Z he was initially behind in the polls, but when the momentum swung he said it was like riding an unstoppable wave…
    Forget the U.S and French elections….This is by far the most fascinating of them all.
    And yet absolutely zero coverage by our media ….tells you a lot about the manipulators behind the scenes in the N.Z media .
    Non reporting is a form of fake news!!

  5. Last week I published a blog on the subject of the terrorist attack in the UK. In that blog I pointed out that terrorist attacks lead to yet more terrorist attacks.
    The same response occurs in regard to torture, one bout of authorised torture leads to more torture. Copy-cat behaviour is so common amongst human kind. The next question that needs to be asked is who leads the way in creating the climate for authorised and legalised torture.
    In 2016 the now President of the United States stated clearly that torture was acceptable to him, in fact he encouraged its use against the enemies of the US, he went even further and praised those leaders who used torture to achieve their goals.

    This is a sad state of affairs both from a human perspective and a legal perspective. I feel strongly opposed to such misguided and childlike behaviour by the so-called and misnamed leader of the so-called free world.

    The US along with NZ and many other countries have undertaken the training of both the military and police and I might add the leadership of invaded places like Iraq and Afghanistan. This is a fact. American forces along with our own have condoned this passage back into the dark ages by their lack of courage in both speaking out against the use of torture. NZ has handed over prisoners to those who use torture as an everyday routine behaviour pattern.

    My friend Larry Haist shared with me a report on this subject from Canadian media, it is both shocking and revealing…it is long and is frightening to say the least; it represents the worse behaviour that human beings can resort to.

    If you have the courage to watch the above it will surely stir your emotional feelings… It won’t be easy, so you may decide not to read and watch these crimes against humanity that of course is the easy way out. Pretending not to know is what we’ve become good at here in NZ and elsewhere.

    Regardless of our self-imposed ignorance this report proves beyond doubt of just how low human beings can sink when they carry out torture of such magnitude. We are by association a party to this inexcusable inhuman behaviour. Oh we can shut our eyes and pretend that we are the good guys…but by condoning torture and murder we are actually taking part.

    Our daily acceptance of President Trumps love of torture and legalised murder, his arming of the Saudi dictatorship, his corruption of Iraq and Afghan governments and the legalised bombing and mass murdering of their populations is both frightening and inhuman in its magnitude.

    We need to stand up and be counted, we need to oppose at every forum, on every stage both nationally and internationally and speak out against the continuing mass slaughter of humankind. When I use the word we, I mean you and I individually and collectively.

    Terrorist attacks will in both Europe and elsewhere grow in frequency if we put off this moral duty to uphold humanity above the level of the animal world around us.

    Here in New Zealand our media could show some guts and like the Canadians publish the actual truth. We need to once again display the moral courage to stand against the hate generation fuelled by types like Donald Trump who appeals to the lowest possible common denominator.

    If we choose to go down the path of torture and legalised murder as the Americans and others [Saudi’s etc.] appear to have done. As the Philippine President is doing, what hope is left for us but more legalised killing, more hate, more retaliation, more terrorism.

    We should model the behaviour we want; we should teach our children and grand-children that aggressiveness simply breeds aggressiveness on a greater scale. We should seek; no demand that our military uphold the highest standards and if they fail to do so we should withdraw them from their present activities and investigate their past activities…

    That is not the cowardly thing to do, that is the morally and correct thing to do. Let’s stop making excuses, stop justifying these crimes against humanity. This has little to do with religion as such and more to do with simple common sense. Hate breeds hate, violence breeds violence. What took place in Manchester proves that very point.

    We need to learn from our mistakes…believe or not but Jeremy Corbyn pointed out that fact way back in 2003,

  6. May can only benefit from the Manchester bombing(strong and stable with scarily uniformed police at polling booths etc)if the media colludes by not pointing out that she, as Home
    Secretary, helped to enable Libyan Al Quaida affiliates to travel freely between
    Manchester and Libya, to help the British take down Ghadaffi
    As a result, that ideology was emboldened and strengthened and extremists were allowed to flourish.
    Its called blowback, and Theresa May and her govt can take some responsibility for the Manchester bombing
    I think the British public are finally getting it that Corbyn has been right all along
    Pity our Labour policies are still so hopelessly in thrall to the Americans in their endless War of Terror

    • Francesca, May is unlikely to get much traction from the Police presence on the streets. The public are aware of cuts of 20 000 under the current government and the fact that individual officers are now having to depend on food banks as ‘recompense’ for their service. The security situation is so bad in the light of the bombing that the army has been called in to make up for the shortage of Police. The proliferation of ‘Strong and stable my arse’ signs over there says it all.

      • I hope so.
        I get the feeling the British public have finally tumbled to the farce that the war on terror protects them

  7. In a First Past the Post election system “5 points” is literally of zero relevance. How does Labour stack up in electorate votes? Yeah, nah.
    The fucking Tories lead by Margaret Thatcher mk 2 are going to win with a historic landslide, despite “just a 5%” deficit. We all need acknowledge this fact, or you’re going to be sorely disappointed.

    • That is a very valid point Nitrium, the FPP system does make it very hard for Labour to win.

      That acknowledged, cutting the 20 point lead the Tories had down to 5 will be enough to Corbyn as leader post election and we have yet to see where that momentum will take the end result.

      • Hi Martyn

        When the UK has an election, it is in fact a separate election for each electorate in the Nation.

        So those electorates which have the most resources, the most property, the most wealth, the most opportunity and the largest handouts from Parliament (via tax avoidance), are going to easily continue their privileged life.

        It does not seem to be a balanced approach. Every election will favour the “haves” electorates.

        If Democracy was to be fair, the poorer the person voting, the more votes they should be given. In other words a wealth equalised voting ticket.

        Poor people do not own homes, pay horrific rents to wealthly landlords, struggle to provide food for their families, do not get good access to Health services, or mental services.

        It is really quite sickening just how selfish wealthy people are. Isn’t it. The UK reminds me a lot of present day New Zealand.

  8. May and the Tories arrogance is like that of the Nats.
    Very off putting to vote for a party that looks down their nose at you, and has absolutely no interest in doing anything of the benefit for the country.
    I truly hope they are ousted.

    • @ KIM DANDY.
      Dead right. A concise, clear summation. IMV but frankly, my view is somewhat jaundiced these days. I see a rabble of freaks playing profitable games. I try to look past that but no. There they are. A freak show of rabble. Is there no escaping them?
      Oh, wait? Sir? Please pass the opium?

  9. Hate to say I told ya so, but I did.
    Actually I’m much less sanguine, I reackon altho Mr Corbyn took the only line he could on the Manchester bombing – that there needs to be a major change in foreign affairs strategy, in the end the increased exposure May has gained to act all leaderful will eat away ate Labour Party momentum.
    None of the Brit papers have even sniffed at the leaks out of French Intelligence – that Abedi dad has been a long term MI6 asset and he and the two sons were resourced by UK intelligence to develop a Jihadist network in Libya – including them hiring Abedi dad on two separate occasions to run assassination attempts at Colonel Qaddafi.
    The UK media have whined about US leaks then reproduced revolting photos of the blood encrusted detonator and altho they similarly grumbled about French leaks they reprinted none of the french stuff.

    May was home secretary meaning she had overall responsibility for UK Intelligence, during the period of the employment of the Abedis, yet 99% of brit voters are unaware of her responsibility for a culture of arrogant stupidity motivated by simple greed that encapsulates Brit Intelligence operations in Libya.

    There has been some talk of the location of former Libyans in South Manchester, but no mention of the fact that this was a result of an intelligence decision to set up an enclave of Libyan dissidents in Manchester.
    They paid to move the Abedis outta London up there yet nothing has been said.
    One way to look at that call would be that the Oxbridge chums who run Brit Intelligence decided moving em up north would mean that if it did back-fire only Northern oicks and trades unionists would have to wear the result.

    Yeah right – no less than 16 members of South Manchester’s Libyan community have been captured or killed committing acts of terror around europe and the ME.

    It is a big call to ask normal citizens to accept that their institutions have been deliberately endangering them, Mr Corbyn is correct to tone down the rhetoric himself but I cannot see england’s media stepping up to do their duty – not before the election at least, lest it upset the neolib applecart

    • Would be great if Theresa had to face this in an election debate.No wonder she’s avoiding it.
      Corbyn is a practised campaigner and debater, he’s been doing it all his life, would love to see the momentum building.

  10. Theresa May has said that if they lose 6 seats they will lose the election.

    The Tories are panicking with May’s announcement to ‘reform the Care sector and means test Winter fuel allowances’ and are suggesting she gets off the Manifesto and returns to savaging Corbyn.

    Corbyn on the other hand is promising mass Nationalisation, increased spending on the NHS, increased tax for the wealthy and the abolition of tuition fees. The latter may well be responsible for a quarter of a million under 25 year old eligible voters registering to vote on the last day for enrolling.

    Corbyn should be quietly confident on his chances. His policies sounds like a winner to me.

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