TDB to livestream Child Poverty Action Group post-budget breakfast


The Daily Blog is proud to announce that we will live stream the Child Poverty Action Group Auckland Post Budget Breakfast, Friday 26th May 7:15am-8:45am.

This will include the smartest critics of National Party social policy and provide real insight into the budget spin. Everyone with a passion for change needs to watch this.

WHEN: Friday 26th May 7:15am-8:45am

WHERE: Front page of The Daily Blog.

The Daily Blog live streams unique left wing and progressive comment, you can help support us to continue doing that here. 


  1. Please Martyn

    Can you ask if this rail issue I lay out below, can be covered also in discussion panel as to why National did not put some urgent funding into our failing regional rail system also please?

    The Gisborne/Napier/Palmerston rail service is important to the Export reions of the whole east coast!!!!
    This vital rail link will be reduced to a cycleway, if the new Labour lead Government does not move to fund this urgently needed mothballed service, as we hear the freight loss from Gisborne has now made the entire line “not viable” if freight is not increased.

    A deal brokered last August between the Port of Napier and Kiwi rail for Just a weekend log shuttle from Wairoa to Napier Port is now in Jeopardy as Kiwi rail want to much money for the service now, we are told.

    The rail network is woefully underfunded and the roads are falling apart with the increased size, weight and amount of more & more trucks now.

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