Malcolm Evans – Mr Brownlee goes to Canberra



  1. The blimp Brownlee is on his knees begging Israeli PM Naziyahu to forgive NZ for our dastardly attack on apartheid Israel’s building illegal settlements in the West Bank.
    How proud this act of abject grovelling makes me.
    The grovelling continues across the Tasman with Gerry prostrate before ‘Turncoat’ Turnbull !

  2. As if that jowly waddler who illegally barges through airport security doors and then gets promoted to defense minister will do anything anyways…

    Barring stamping his foot and having a hissy fit.

    Even then , that will happen behind a security door out of sight of anyone.

  3. I don’t know why Brownlee bothered to travel to Aussie he could have done Nothing from the comfort of his living room and saved the taxpayer the airfares.

  4. National is a Pantomime

    It is wrong of us to frighten Australians with a visit from Mr Brownlee.

    We are supposed to be the dogs at heel of the Ozzies not lumbering nightmares. They are our betters. And they provide us with our lovely Banks and things.

    I hope our wonderful Deputy PM is sending Mr Brownlee regular food parcels and treats to keep his stamina tip top.

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