Political Caption Competition



  1. Yeah let’s get rid of these two and have a South Pacific under the thumb of the Chinese mega-dictatorship; yay!!! top idea!!! Trump so bad, expansionist organ harvesting totalitarian superstate so good!!!

    • And what are your thoughts on the Imperialist U$A mega dispensary pumping people full of antidepressants to create Mall Zombies then? Muuuusssst Shop… Muuuuusssst Shop…

      To be honest, I don’t want any of the fuckers. The U$A, the Chinese … Fuck them all.

      His eyes ! They look like mad, staring, monkey vaginas !

  2. One and the same. No difference. Mad and dangerous. Chinese can be added to the mix as well. All a threat to world peace and stability.

  3. I know who the mad bad and dangerous nation is
    The US has refused to come to the party and sign a peace treaty, despite several overtures from NKorea. And precious Obama was no different
    NKorea has attempted at least 3 times, with the backing of China in the last instance to pitch a deal
    US quit their aggressive invasion style military exercises on the NTH/STH border, and N Korea quits it’s nuclear program .With all the international inspections that would go along with that.
    Whats not to like about that deal?
    And yet the US has always refused to go along with it.
    They need to have an excuse to continue to have bases in Sth Korea as part of their containment of China
    Who are the crazy bastards ?

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