Sedition Commemorations this Thursday



100 years ago men were imprisoned for opposing conscription and war


There’ll be commemorations in Auckland and Christchurch this Thursday (15 December) to remember those imprisoned 100 years ago for “sedition” – that is for simply speaking out against conscription or the First World War itself. 15 December 1916 is when Bob Semple was imprisoned in Christchurch, soon followed by others around the country including a future PM (Peter Fraser), and four future Labour Cabinet Ministers (including Semple). In Auckland we’ll be walking at 12 noon from Quaker House, 115 Mt Eden Rd to Mt Eden prison, arriving at 12.30pm for a ceremony and re=enanctment, particularly remembering those jailed at Mt Eden. In Christchurch the ceremony and re-enanctment is 12 noon, 15 December, outside the Museum (sponsored by the Disarmament and Security Centre). Come along.

Thursday, 15 December


Gather at 12 Noon, outside the Canterbury Museum, for re-enactments of the trials of Bob Semple and Fred Cooke for ‘seditious utterances’ and a reading from a leading peace activist, Ada Wells.  Then process to WEA, 59 Gloucester Street, for light refreshments, more readings, discussion and film excerpts.


TDB Recommends

12 noon from Quaker House, 115 Mt Eden Rd to Mt Eden prison, arriving at 12.30pm for a ceremony and re=enanctment, particularly remembering those jailed at Mt Eden.