Aaradhna finally makes the NZ Music Awards relevant



All hail the new Queen Aaradhna Patel for finally making the NZ Music Awards relevant with her staunch stance against the racism of the NZ Music industry.

The ‘white-musician-is-an-artist-and-the-brown-one-is-an-entertainer’ mentality has always suffocated progressiveness in the music industry.

The NZ Awards have deteriorated into an industry old boys back slapping club with all the predictability of stoners passing around a joint.

They’ve become as relevant to culture as the Ministry of Youth Affairs.

Queen Aaradhna Patel changed that.

Long live the Queen!


  1. The “NZ Music Awards” have always been dishonestly titled.

    In reality they are the “pop music industry” awards with a merest token of a nod toward other musical genres such as classical etc.

  2. Patronising.This annual display of industry incompetence shows how out of touch the NZ mainstream music industry is with the “real Music” industry in NZ.
    One more, and it’ll be 3 in a row, a strike-out and should be enough to signal the end of what should be a genuine showcase of talent, not a string of managemental failures.
    Lets see the “White Token Award” of fuck-up’s awarded to the clowns who run this gig?

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