GUEST BLOG: Arthur Taylor – Prison Suicide Stats


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I’ve just been told prisoner suicides are at the rate of 72 per 100,000 ; vs 12 per 100,000 for the general population .

It’s an alarming statistic and I can well believe it .

The new law which effectively screens prisons from Coroners Inquiries will only see that rate continue .


Arthur Taylor is a prisoner rights activist and TDB’s blogger inside prison


  1. Arthur these figures are so shocking one may consider the Government controlling this operation are happy to see a real life genocide is going on inside our prisons?

  2. 72 out of 100,000 is only 0.07% – however, I assume this is per annum. For the general population, an annual rate of 12 out of 100,000 means that; given an average lifespan of 83 years, 1 in 100 people will commit suicide in this country.

    For an equivalent lifetime in prison (though likely churning through many individual prisoners, unless the government just starts putting infants in prison for projected future crimes based on genetic/ racial profiling), then 6% would be likely to die from suicide! This while the state (our its private subcontractors) has them under supposed; close surveillance, and literal lock and key,

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