Political Caption Competition


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  1. Issue of vulnerable extended family members with complex needs addressed by provision of emergency housing.

  2. I’m 21 today…and Daddy is giving me a BMW, a house to rent, a two week holiday in Hawaii, a new cell phone and a huge investment in derivatives on Wall Street…Oh and I’ve just recieved my US citizenship papers…I’m planing to spend time helping Donald Trump [my hero] to become the worlds richest dictator…Oh and by the way ‘I’m Max Key…

  3. The insipid fruit of dear leader, Daddy Megabuck’s putrid loins, pictured with future NatzKEY members!

  4. Why with the smell of all that money they couldn’t get a camera that didn’t give them red eye , OH NO!!! surely not NAAAAH……..

  5. Why with the smell of all that money they couldn’t buy a camera that didn’t give them red eye . “shock horror” they’re not are they ?

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