Political Caption Competition


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  1. If I stay here overlong and don’t get to my private jet before all this shit goes pear-shaped, I wonder how old the child soldier who swings the blade that separates my head from my body will be?

  2. Lying and denying will keep the speculators buying – and voting, while the homeless just go on crying.

  3. Has anyone thought of draining the pool at night so when he goes for a high dive… he slams into reality?

    Or even just fill his pool full of eels… or maybe tons of dead fish from all the fishing fleets that dump tons of fish from NZ waters…

    • or some flesh eating snakes . . .

      Kapito – even if he slams into the concrete, do we really think that any kind of reality will sink in his stone like head and stuck and semi-dead brain ?

  4. Expose! Secret life of New Zealand’s Prime Minister, John Key: Before finance – what I did to get around.
    Long before JK made it into the highest echelons of international money pilfiffering, JK was known by another name, in an equally elite world of secrets, moneys, and doings – Poolboy Jack.

  5. I promised you a brighter future? As far as I can see I’m delivering on that promise. This is a great life. Try it some day

  6. ” I have a bucket of live – flesh eating – swimming snakes. ”

    ” My smirk shows that I got mine and could care less about what you have
    or do not have. My heart and home has no room for the homeless. Pay rent and sacrifice a bit, I got mine now you get yours. “

  7. But ’tis a common proof
    That lowliness is young ambition’s ladder,
    Whereto the climber upward turns his face.
    But when he once attains the upmost round,
    He then unto the ladder turns his back,
    Looks in the clouds, scorning the base degrees
    By which he did ascend.

    – Shakespeare

    • Seen it, in the suburban capacity, many times. I think that’s where your average National voter comes from. Very focused on their own personal security, and mentally snowblinded by propaganda into thinking that you can’t have private security and functioning “social programmes”.

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