The Daily Blog Open Mic Saturday 28th November 2015




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.



    • What a huge great mess this area is in. Regional powers plus Russia and the US. All of whom have secret agendas and whilst claiming they have common goals, they are secretly opposing each other at every opportunity. There will be many more years of misery, death and destruction before it is sorted out, if it is ever sorted out.

  1. Left wing progressives appreciate honest and ethical news and do not like to be frozen out only because we may disagree with one person at TDB and their views and glorification of Noam Chomsky. We have put up many links to support our position exposing his hypocrisy etc. and most comments and links are not allowed through because, we feel, someone at TDB dislikes their beliefs being challenged and/or the truths about Chomsky being exposed.

    So TDB put up a piece today entitled – ” TDB Public Interest Blogging .. . ” and they TOOK AWAY THE OPTION FOR US TO COMMENT on this article requesting financial support. We are given the opportunity to contribute financially but denied the option to comment on our feelings about this article and about TDB.
    In other words, TDB needs money but they do not really want to hear from us if we do not agree with their putting Noam Chomsky on a pedestal.
    Exposing the truths and hypocrisy surrounding Chomsky is something that is distasteful to someone at TDB. These truths about Chomsky are hard for most to hear
    let alone believe.

    We think this shows that someone at TDB ( Martyn ? ) is in need of defending themselves and ( showing unwavering support of Chomsky ) and does not like it when someone challenges his beliefs. When we saw that the option to comment was denied, on this particular article asking for financial support, we immediately thought “how childish ” and then we wondered how many others will not want to contribute if they feel their comments and their contributions are falling on deaf ears at TDB. The only reasons those comments were not published is because they fly in the face of someones beliefs about Noam Chomsky and they just would rather kill the messenger than look into the facts.
    I, for one, am about to leave TDB over this issue and I wonder how many others have similar concerns. We fully support
    progressive and ethical news outlets but none of them are beyond reproach. I just hope TDB re-considers and stops putting up their – DAILY CHOMSKY because it is disappointing and does not reflect well on TDB’s intelligence and knowledge of current issues and hidden truths dealing with those like Noam Chomsky.

    We would have rather put this comment up in your piece entitled ” TDB Public Interest Blogging . . .” but were denied that option ( WHY ? ) and that sure
    does not sound like it supports public interest blogging but rather smells a bit like biased journalism to us.

    Now if history rings true, this comment will likely not get through as well. We will see.

    • Crap Blake,

      Key would love you thinking this, and he and his propaganda Minister wished TDB was gone as all other opponents of the corrupt Government have been shelved by these two zealots.

      Pick your friends and stick with them or find another site suitable to your political agenda.

      I have been monthly contributing and proud of Martyn, Chris, Frank and others who bring “The other side of the story”

      • CleanGreen – clearly you have no idea what my political agenda is.
        I fully support TDB except on this issue with Noam Chomsky and how they show a bias towards him and against anyone who wants to expose his hypocrisy.

        You are entitled to your beliefs but the truths about Chomsky are just that — THE TRUTHS. Check it out before you wrongly assume that I support anything around Jonkey Donkey because, as I have made it very clear over and over, I feel he and his govt. are a trainwreck and very bad for NZ. He is a hypocrite and so is Chomsky and we need to speak out the TRUTHS as much as possible. Too bad that TDB refuses to put up all of the links that expose the hypocrisy.

    • I have never noticed “unwavering support of Chomsky” on this site ..and any censorship of those who question Chomsky

      Chomsky has a valuable perspective. This is widely and internationally agreed.

      ….but like everyone else he is not perfect and not beyond critique

      …on the other hand Chomsky, because he critiques the democracy of the media and the establishment, has come in for a lot of unwarranted personal attacks which lack substance

      • Just because you have not witnessed censorship, does not mean it does not exist. Many of my comments are not put up and I replied just today here and it was not put up. One of my two replies was put up and I find that strange when what we want is to encourage free speech.

        Too bad TDB decided to not put my first reply to your comment.
        They pick and choose at will and that is my concern about what should be a very open minded site. Maybe TDB will put up my first reply to your comment but it not, that is what I call censorship and bias.


    • lol. Blake, why you lie?

      I commented on the article you said no one can comment on.

      Why you lie in the comments sections all the time?

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