John Key’s embarrassing performance at seventieth UN General Assembly



In his address to the seventieth UN General Assembly, New Zealand Prime Minister John Key referred to his own country 15 times – or 16, if you include his expression of pride in “the values and principles that underpin the country I lead.” His opening remarks even informed delegates that, “New Zealand is a small country at the bottom of the world”. Key then went on to boldly criticise the United Nations – in particular the Security Council – referring to suffering in the Middle East that demonstrated, he said, “how far we are from achieving the aspirations of our founders and of today’s members.” He went on to assert that the UN seventieth anniversary meeting was taking place “against the backdrop of the worst refugee crisis since World War Two”, noting that this was the consequence of “the Security Council’s failure to act over the past four years.” The past four years?

The appalling Middle East refugee tragedy actually began in 1948 with Israel’s expulsion of the Palestinian people. If John Key didn’t know that fact of history, then his speech-writers certainly let him down badly. Many ethnically-cleansed Palestinians have ended up in Syria’s Marmouk refugee camp; Lyse Doucet, chief international correspondent for the BBC, visited the refugees there last year, and described the plight of Palestinians in the camp and how armed men struggled “to contain a crowd desperate to reach a UN food distribution point” in a “desolate wasteland of utter ruin.” Ever since the catastrophe that dispossessed the native Palestinians, the Security Council’s failure to act has enabled the denial of justice to continue. In his speech, Key made ten references to Syria, speaking of it by name. However, he chose to avoid directly mentioning both Israel and Palestine, even though his speech had devoted more than a third of its length to the Middle East. The closest John Key could bring himself to mentioning Israel and Palestine was a passing reference to what he referred to as the “Middle East Peace Process.”

Key’s apparently tenuous grasp of Middle East affairs showed itself again when he told the delegates of “the evil nightmare of ISIL . . . that first took hold in Syria”. Of course, the establishment of ISIL began in Iraq at the time of the US-led attack on that country in 2003. The terrorist group began by calling itself the Islamic State of Iraq. It was when the war in Syria began that ISIL militants (then known as ISI) allied themselves to the Western-backed Syrian opposition to bring down the Syrian Government; it was only later that the group changed its name to ISIL. In November 2013, ISIL stormed Raqqa and forced out militants from the self-styled Free Syrian Army. Also that month, the anti-Assad Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) stated: “ISIL is the strongest group in Northern Syria . . .” Iraq blames the West’s ally, Saudi Arabia, for helping to arm and finance ISIL.

In his address, John Key also reminded the UN delegates that “it’s time for members to set aside their vested interests and historical alliances in order to stop the violence and end the suffering.” But will he really step away from ‘the club’ he so clearly appears to support? The selectivity and misinformation embodied in his speech must be cause for concern. While Key quite rightly condemned ISIL’s “warped ideology” that had “. . . spread death and terror into the region and beyond”, he seemed oblivious to the Zionist ideology that has, for decades, also spread death and terror into the region and beyond. For the Palestinian people, Zionist expansionism has certainly proved to be an evil nightmare and it has been sowing the seeds of ever-growing instability in the Middle East for the past 67 years. The Security Council has repeatedly condemned Israel for its failure to respect Security Council resolutions and the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention, in particular by committing criminal acts in occupied territory. The Security Council has also condemned “desecration and profanation” of the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque, the transfer of Israel’s civilian population into occupied Palestinian territory and the killing, wounding and expulsion of defenceless Palestinian civilians.

John Key told the UN General Assembly that the Security Council must “stop talking about what’s right and do what’s right.” The dozens of resolutions passed by the Security Council condemning Israeli human rights abuses and Zionist racism would fit the description of “talking about what’s right”. Doing “what’s right” would, for a start, necessitate the imposition of UN sanctions upon the occupying power. As Key put it in his address to the United Nations: “It’s time for the Council to do its duty for those who have lost their lives and loved ones, and for the millions who have been displaced.”

New Zealand claims to enjoy a good relationship with both Israel and Palestine. Covering for Israel could certainly be seen as very friendly from the point of view of the Netanyahu regime but for the Palestinian people, ignoring the refugee catastrophe that Israel and the world thrust upon them must seem anything but friendly. As Key suddenly awakes to the plight of Middle East refugees and their flight to Europe he forgets those exiles who simply beg to return. UN Resolution 194 confirms that right but John Key and the National Party never call for its implementation. The universal right of return is binding under international law. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was proclaimed by the United Nations in 1948 “as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations” and one of the most basic of rights set out in the UDHR is the right of return. Article 13(b) of the UDHR which states: “Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.” Palestinian refugees are entitled to this binding universal right.

John Key’s speech completely failed to recognise the fact that Palestinian refugees constitute the world’s largest refugee population although the Palestinian right of return has been reaffirmed by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on more than 135 occasions. This expressed will of the international community has been consistently ignored by Security Council members.

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UNGA Resolution 194 unequivocally resolves that:

“the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the governments or authorities responsible”.

Israel was admitted to membership of the United Nations on condition that it would accept and implement UN resolutions including, of course, UN Resolution 194.

General Assembly Resolution 2535, passed in 1969, recognises that:

“the problem of Palestine Arab refugees has arisen from the denial of their inalienable rights under the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”.

UNGA resolution 3236 reaffirms:

“the inalienable right of the Palestinians to return to their homes and property from which they have been displaced and uprooted, and calls for their return.”

One of the main purposes for the foundation of the United Nations was:

“to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained” and “to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security”.

Security Council domination of the United Nations and the power of the veto, quite rightly condemned by New Zealand’s Prime Minister, effectively disenfranchise nearly 75% of the world membership. This power to frustrate the will of the majority is exemplified in the insistence by world leaders upon the so-called Middle East ‘peace process’. These one-sided ‘negotiations’ between the defenceless Palestinians and the mighty Zionist nuclear power have achieved nothing but greater impunity for Israel to continue its territorial expansion and the creation of ever more colonial facts on the ground. In the past month alone, Israeli occupation forces destroyed 46 Palestinian homes and, for those living under Israeli military rule, even the refugee camps can offer no sanctuary.

A single state
Israel’s actions have resulted in the demise of the ‘two-state solution’ which, had it been implemented, would have been a betrayal of the Palestinian people. Israel has made it abundantly clear that the separated Palestinian enclaves that it might have permitted to constitute a Palestinian ‘state’ would never have been allowed a defence force or sovereignty over air space, borders or coastal waters. Under principles of international law and equity, UNGA Resolution 194 holds the key to reconciliation and peace “. . . refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so” and this should be facilitated by the governments or authorities responsible.

Logic and equity demand recognition of the fact that the territory which constitutes the combined areas of Israel/Palestine is too small for partition. The geological reality is evidence of the indivisibility of the land’s natural resources. The delicate nature of the ecological and cultural balance that has taken centuries to achieve demonstrates the danger to everybody of arbitrary interference. Ideologically-driven forceful discrimination is not only unjust but also sows the seeds of instability, nurturing bitterness and resentment. Zionism is the last remaining state-sponsored ideology of racial supremacy. It is an anachronism that belongs in the last century’s ‘age of the dictators’ (to borrow a phrase from Lenni Brenner). That is why Zionism does not represent all Jews. Unfortunately, people like Anna Baltzer, who has travelled and written extensively among the occupied Palestinian people and organisations, such as Jewish Voice for Peace, are ignored by the mainstream news media.

The son of an Israeli Army General, Miko Peled, has observed that:

“If there is one thing that is truly frightening it is an army of soldiers who really believe God is on their side. In Israel and in the West people like to believe that Israel is immune to that. Travel to Hebron, Kiryat Arba, Karmei Tsur and some of the other Jewish-zealot colonies in the West Bank. Walk around the Jewish Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem and talk to the settlers who want to turn Silwan into the “City of David.” Talk to these people who see this as a zero sum game and think nothing of killing Palestinian children. The discussion of two states is numbing everyone. We need to act together for a secular democracy, equal rights and the protection for minorities.”

Peled’s perspective is that Israel actually created one state by “erasing the Green Line. So the only possibility now is to transform it from a Zionist state — like South Africa was transformed from being an apartheid state — and allow equal rights for everybody.” The tragically hard-won provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention should serve as a beacon of enlightenment and universal responsibility. They offer the only civilised alternative to mindless anarchy and violence. Of course we should reform the UN and remove the power of veto but above all we should respect what has already been established and work to support it. That will take plain and honest debate that overrides “vested interests and historical alliances”. New Zealand has been party to policies that have disastrously failed the Middle East and to continue blindly along the same course is inexcusable.

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Leslie Bravery is a Londoner with vivid World War Two memories of the Nazi blitz on his home town. In 1947/1948 His father explained to him what was happening to the Palestinians thus: “Any ideology or political movement that creates refugees in the process of realising its ambitions must be inhuman and should be opposed and condemned as unacceptable.” What followed confirmed this assessment of the Zionist entity a hundredfold. Now a retired flamenco guitarist, with a lifelong interest in the tragedy of what happened to the Palestinian people, he tries to publicise their plight. Because the daily injustices they suffer barely get a mention in the mainstream news media, Leslie edits/compiles a daily newsletter, In Occupied Palestine, for the Palestine Human Rights Campaign. These days, to preserve his sanity, he enjoys taking part in a drama group whenever possible!


  1. British drew the maps. Ignored racial and cultural divisions and stuck boarders right through shi’a, Sunni, Kurdish territory, just to name a few.

    Now Sunni are saying get the hell out of here man.

    The Middle East has had to put up with 200 years of British, Russian, German, Italian, Rusain again, and now the U.S. Imperialist interventions.

    The people of the Middle East are acutely aware of the wests grubby grab for land, resources, minerals, water.

    We say to them you must be denied your religious freedoms and freedoms of expressions.

    They have had enough of our shit and our solution is to continue bombing the crap out of the Middle East.

    What ever you think of the people that make up the Middle East is something they give zero fucks about.

      • Certainly.

        “My goodness that is such utter nonsense”
        You will find a history of the development of Israels borders at
        You might also be interested in the
        British Mandate, which was a League of Nations sanctioned management of Palestine…

        The proposed borders of Israel under Sykes Picot were drawn up by the UK, France, and with assent from Russia,and ultimately the LofN. It’s all in these cites.

        • Gotta love how pro-Israelis always use massively overblown metaphors to describe Israel regardless of what is actually going on on the ground in reality…

          Engaging in urban warfare? Israel going full-on indiscriminate Assad.

          You probably think this thread is about Israel.

          For some one who uses such strong metaphors.

          I expected not to see British interventionist policies in the creation of boarders you are so willing to deny.

            • Fan boys always believe the hype.

              See the lines around Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. The poms made those.

              Except the Israeli ones according to your well researched Wikipedia theories

              • You are wrong because of where you want to start your history.

                Palestinians still remember the British who beat, killed and locked them up for just living in Palistine.

                There is bad history between Isreal and Palistine. All remember historically relevant history.

                All this is really late. We have groups of geopolitical strategies for the last 4 years in the Middle East. Now we have ISIS.

                And the largest military power, IDF is busy trying to kill woman and children.

              • Palestinian arabs need to accept that, or there will never be peace.

                Not with an attitude like yours, Sandfly.

                You are taking the side of the agressor; a militarised power killing innocent people.

                Not a good look.

              • The Israeli’s are not the only ones killing innocent people, Frank. But they do have bigger guns. It amazes me the arab aggressors have not realised that after 1948, 1967, 1973, 2000…

                • “Bigger guns” will not save an aggressor from being eventually stopped. The white apartheid regime in South Africa and the US occupation of South Vietnam proved that point perfectly.

                  You’re not much of a student of history, Sandfly, not to realise that.

                  Thus far, you have justified Israeli aggression because it has bigger guns; justified seizing of territory from it’s neighbours because it “won” battles; and justified oppression of Palestinians because it has “improved” their economic situation?!

                  Not much of a case from you, is it?

                  How much are you paid to post this rubbish?

        • The proposed borders of Israel under Sykes Picot were drawn up by the UK, France, and with assent from Russia,and ultimately the LofN. It’s all in these cites.

          Sandfly, I read the bit about the Sykes Picot Line and it’s unclear why you’ve included the reference to it in your post. The division was designed to delineate between “British and French spheres of influence’ and “agreed that “Palestine” was to be designated as an “international enclave”.”

          It does not mention Israel at all.

          So that reference is futile and pointless to the discussion.

          As is your reference to “British Mandate, which was a League of Nations sanctioned management of Palestine”.

          Again, no mention of Israel. It was a carve-up between imperialistic European powers.

          Regardless, the actual borders which count are those proposed by the UN –

          So your references to “League of Nations” and other pre-1945 stuff is irrelevent, unless you happen to be a history wonk.

          • No, the shame is Israel’s naked aggression against it’s Palestinian neighbours who are defenceless; occupied; blockaded; and with the West Bank colonised by more and more Israeli settlers.

            Your support for an expansionist, violent state that is at war with it’s neighbours shows how partisan you are. But more importantly, you discard every notion of fairness and decency to support a bully.

            Not a good look for you, Sandfly.

          • Mr Sandfly, what’s your “skin” in this game? Are you paid by the Israeli’s to be their mouthpiece?

            The only reason there is no peace in the Middle east is because the Israeli’s have been to busy land-grabbing and killing Palestinians.

    • Read The Balfour Declaration.It declares the borders to be created for the state of Israel to exist. Read The Great War for Civivlization by Robert Fisk.(somenone who auctally lives in the Middle East and knows what the f**ck he’s talking about) Unlike you. Sandfly you are ignorant and uninformed and your knowledge of the History of Israel’s creation sadly lacking in historical fact.Israel is a fascist Zionist state . It’s own historian’s ( Ilan Peppe springs to mind for one) cannot find ANY evidence for jewish occupation /residence in the area for the time period’s mentioned in their myths. Most Jews are not semites. They are Kazhar’s( Ashkenazi). Descendants of Mongols from the Black Sea area. Next to Georgia. They are converts to Judaism. Seraphadic Jews( true semites and 20% of tose people claiming to be Jewish) have similar DNA to the Lebanese. The oldest residents of the region. Israel has no legimate right to exist.

      • “Israel has no legimate right to exist.”

        Yes, it does, based on international law.

        So does an independent Palestinian nation based in Gaza and the West Bank – but Israel steadfastly refuses to deny the legitimacy of such a state.

        Instead, we have,

        * the blockade of Gaza

        * illegal settlements in the West Bank

        * land grabs in East Jerusalem

        * the Wall

        and other activities to suppress the rightful State of Palestine to exist.

        You are a bit of a history buff, I take it?

        Well, you seem to have forgotten one of the prime lessons of history; a nation that suppresses another, whether as part of a far-flung empire or a neighbour, will never enjoy peace and security. The longer you oppress a people, the greater the threat to the oppressor’s existence.

        Until Israel learns that fact, it will never know peace and security.

      • Then perhaps Israel should honour UN resolutions withdrawing from occupied land, Mr Sandfly.

        Your cherry-picking of UN resolutions shows your lack of integrity on this issue.

  2. So if Israel is the “good guy” here, as you clearly seem to believe, why has it neither respected nor observed the UN boundaries as decreed at its creation, and why do they continue to steal Palestinian land and resources? Why do they build settlements on Palestinian land, then build roads that Palestinians aren’t allowed to use, through Palestinian land? How come a Jewish American, who has never lived in Israel, is allowed to “return”, whereas Palestinians who lost their homes, are not?

  3. Sandfly you actually need to stop kidding yourself you smug Israel is a murderous state and as for Palestinian having to beg to live on their own land is Zionist propaganda to the max you seem to have amnesia at the best of your bias rant and as for ISIS well information obtain by Wikileaks and whistle blower Edward Snowden has revealed that ISIS has been funded through America and its allies and the OIL is at the heart of this Syrian conflict so piss off with your Zionist crap and stop supporting GENOCIDE you PRATT

    • Well, it is hardly “uninterrupted”. Some Israelites/Judeans remained after the Roman dispersions of the first and second centuries AD, but most Jews lived away from the area now called Palestine. So yes, there has been some continuous “Jewish” occupation of Palestine for many centuries.
      There has of course, at the same time, also been continuous habitation of Palestine by Arabic peoples. So who has the “right” to govern? The Palestinians were the occupiers of the land for succeeding generations until the early 20th century when the Balfour plan was drawn up and Jews began migrating to Palestine and settling there.
      Yes, Israel is prosperous. That’s what happens when you take water from Palestinian land and re-route it to meet Israeli demand.
      On the news last night there was a thought provoking item. It concerned the on-going tit-for-tat killings between Palestinian and Jew. A Jewish man was stabbed to death in fromnty of his wife by a Palestinian, and a Palestinian boy was killed by an Israeli sniper. It’s a mess, BUT the moral obligation to make the big moves necessary to bring about peace lies clearly with the greater power, the Israelis.
      Until they stop the building of settlements (colonisation), afford equal rights to Palestinians, and engage in meaningful dialogue towards peace, not just Bibi’s weasel words, this nightmare will continue.

      • What I find most disturbing about your argument, is the complete lack of emotion. Your academic, tit for tat pissing contest, leaves no room for the human suffering that exists right now. You haven’t refuted comments concerning the illegal Israeli expansionism into Palestinian territory….because you can’t. Rockets into Israel….electing a Terrorist Government….yes, that all sounds remarkably inflammatory. Until you realise that the rockets in question are tinpot poor mans artillery, compared to the devastating hardware possessed by Israel, funded by the US, and used to catastrophic effect in Gaza last year. Tell me again how many Israeli civilians lost their lives in the conflict last year? Then tell me how many Palestinian children lost their lives, how many were seriously injured, and how many lost mothers, fathers, whole families. You defend a monstrous regime, which continues to give the middle finger to the UN as it commits war crime after war crime, without consequence. Your trolling is distasteful on so many levels, but I’ve about had it with Israeli apologists. If you wish to keep quoting the ‘facts”, then it would even more fascinating if you could defend the historical geopolitical maneuvers of the Third Reich and exonerate everything else they did in the next breath, because that would be only slightly less offensive. BTW this guy has been to Gaza…have you??

      • What I find most disturbing about your argument, is the complete lack of emotion. Your academic, tit for tat pissing contest, leaves no room for the human suffering that exists right now.

        You haven’t refuted comments concerning the illegal Israeli expansionism into Palestinian territory….because you can’t.

        Rockets into Israel….electing a Terrorist Government….yes, that all sounds remarkably inflammatory. Until you realise that the rockets in question are tinpot poor mans artillery, compared to the devastating hardware possessed by Israel, funded by the US, and used to catastrophic effect in Gaza last year.

        Tell me again how many Israeli civilians lost their lives in the conflict last year? Then tell me how many Palestinian children lost their lives, how many were seriously injured, and how many lost mothers, fathers, whole families and their homes. You defend a monstrous regime, which continues to give the middle finger to the UN as it commits war crime after war crime, without consequence.

        Your trolling is distasteful on so many levels, but I’ve about had it with Israeli apologists. If you wish to keep quoting the ‘facts”, then it would even more fascinating if you could outline the legitimacy of h the historical geopolitical maneuvers of the Third Reich and exonerate everything else they did in the next breath, because that would be only slightly less offensive.

        BTW this guy has been to Gaza…have you??

        • Gaza – blown to smithereens by sophisticated Israeli weapons (sourced mostly from the US, and Europe) – versus a relatively poorly armed Palestinian resistance?

          And you attempt to paint Israel as the “victim”?!

          Not only are you unconvincing, Sandfly, but you’re doing your cause more damage than you realise.

          • Israel is no more the “victim” than the slavemasters of Southern States prior to the Civil War; the white regime in Soutyh Africa under apatheid; China occupying Tibet; Nazism in Europe…

            Your “victim” oppresses a powerless nation and you openly side with it.

            You are a disgrace, Sandfly.

          • Sandflypoint, I support the right of Israel to co-exist with it’s neighbours. I support it’s right to exist.

            But I find your slavish support for Israel to be offensive and suggesting that Palestinians are “better off” because of their subjugation is nothing less than crude,

            You are hurting your cause.

          • Israel can be called many things, but “victm”?

            I think not.

            Not unless you’re redefined the notion of “victim” to mean someone who oppresses their neighbour, and then gets pushback.

            You really are grasping at some mighty thin straws Sandflypoint.

          • Israel is not an apartheid regime Frank. Have you ever been there? Israel is only occupying Palestinian territory because she was attacked. Check your history.

          • As we chit chat from the relative safety of our pacific home. The entire Middle East is raging with warfare.

            If that was the plan then it has succeeded.

            If the plan was for peace it has failed.

      • Contradictions are not refutations. They are tit for tat pissings in the wind. There is absolutely nothing academic about Sandfly’s erroneous and vile convictions with which he defends a rogue fascist apartheid state which has abused the post WWII UN resolution which created it.

        • Sandfly’s points merited debate up until his October 10, 2015 at 8:28 pm post;

          “Compare the prosperity of the area occupied by Israel now with 1947 and tell me the region is not better off. ”

          Anyone who justifies colonisation, occupation, subjugation because the slaves are “better off” is not fit to live in a civilised society.

          It is the rhetoric of the slavemaster.

          • That isn’t what I did. Israel is not ‘colonising’ anyone. It is sitting on land it won from aggressors in war. They tried giving some of it back, and look what happened.

            • They tried giving some of it back, and look what happened.

              Ha ha ha ha…

              You’re taking the piss, right, Sandfly? It’s a wind-up…

              But in case you’re actually serious – the reason it failed – ” They tried giving some of it back, and look what happened”
              – was because they didn’t put a ribbon on it. A nice pinky-purple one.

              Silly billy.

    • “The land was not anyone’s other than the allies who won the war. Besides, in case you aren’t aware, the Jewish people have an uninterrupted occupation of Palestine that goes back thousands of years. ”

      Right. So you’re a mouthpiece for Israeli imperialism then?

      You dismiss Palestinian land-rights?

      And you’ll twist history to suit your own cause?

      Thing is, Sandfly, that Israel is not the “victim” – it is the villain. It is a neighbourhood bully that has grabbed land and turned Gaza into an open-air prison.

      It has illegally seized land on the West Bank in contravention to UN decisions.

      Until Israel addresses these critical problems it will never know peace.

      Your apologism counts for nothing.

      • Quote: “You dismiss Palestinian land-rights?”

        No. I defend Israeli land rights.”

        No, Mr Sandfly, you’re a mouthpiece for the Slavemaster. Shame on you, sir!

    • Compare the prosperity of the area occupied by Israel now with 1947 and tell me the region is not better off.

      You’re using prosperity to justify imperialistic agression?!

      Are you for real, Sandfly?!

      You might as well justify apartheid because South Africa was “better off”. Or the European Empires (British, Dutch, German, Etc), because “they were better off”. Or any form of imperialism.

      If that’s your moral justification, then it is a bankrupt morality.

      You have just destroyed your argument with that piece of garbage.

      • The occupation and blocking of Gaza; the gradual colonisation of the West Bank; holding on to the Golan Heights – these are all symptoms of an expansionist power in the region.

        Imagine if another country tore strips of Israel. Would that be ok with you? Same principle.

        If Israel wants respect, it must cease blockading and subjugating the Palestinians; close down all settlements on the West Bank; and bugger of back to Israel.

        Until then, I, for one, will call Israel for what it is; an expansionist, violent, regional bully.

        • Sand Fly. It seems like you’re ignorant of the history of conflict and compromise in the Israel-Palestine compromise. Last year (before Protective Edge) Israel bombed the “elite” brigade Hamas had tasked with policing local radicals and cracking down on rocket strikes. Unsurprisingly the soldiers were not amused that Israel had bombed them while they were doing exactly what Israel asked them to do and went on strike. They’ve since gotten back to keeping the radicals in check but you’re silly if you think Hamas can magically stop violence against Israel without there being any repercussions.


    • Sandflypoint, I support the right of Israel to co-exist with it’s neighbours. I support it’s right to exist.

      But I find your slavish support for Israel to be offensive and suggesting that Palestinians are “better off” because of their subjugation is nothing less than crude,

      You are hurting your cause.

    • “Compare the prosperity of the area occupied by Israel now with 1947 and tell me the region is not better off.”


      Well, dayum, Mr Sandfly, I knew the, Blacks in Southern US of A were better of under their slavemasters, eh, boy?

      Seriously, you’re full of pro-Israeli shit. If economic growth is your argument for oppressing Palestinians, then you have no argument. Your position is morally corrupt.

  4. The U.N. and the Security Council can condemn all they want. They are very much involved in perpetuating war and then spewing their two faced image.

    Just like John Key – bigots and two faced and – same ole same ole.

    Again refer to the connection with the UN and the NWO – Agenda 21.

    John Key is their bit player and he was coached about what he was to say and not say ( likely by Helen ? ? ? ).
    He is a mental midget when it comes to the Middle East.
    Great puppet he is, just like Obama and Cameron. Betraying war mongers and surely nothing like what a Good Peace Maker should be.

    • Samantha Power, the wicked.witch in the Pentagon had been spouting some of similar rhetoric before hand. A neo con liar, therefore person of high standing in the US state.dept. No.doubt John received his coaching from her.

  5. John Key likes to tell everyone else to act tough, but he doesn’t do it himself. He goes belly up at the slightest threat. What a hypocrite.

  6. Unfortunately, Sandfly, what you are proposing is the total submission of Palestine to Israel, with the gradual full occupation of the West Bank by Israeli settlers.

    You are supporting occupation, aggression, and subjugation against a people armed with bugger-all, compared to the Israeli war-machine.

    There is nothing in your words that is remotely convincing.

    • No, that is not at all what you are “arguing for”. You are supporting a bully that subjugates, attacks, blockades, and disempowers it’s neighbour.

      You are supporting a bully that is gradually colonising the West Bank, illegally.

      You support a “right” that is born out of violence, oppression, and illegally occupying land it has no right to.

      In effect, you are coloniser’s mouthpiece, and not making a good fight of it.

      Every time you post, your words betray the moral degradation of your argument. Being on the side of the bully will not win you friends and support.

  7. I thank all of you for reading my posts, even if you disagree. I apologise if I offended anyone, that was not my intention. I am a passionate supporter of Israel because I am a student of history and see her as a victim of aggression from a vast network of enemies that operate to drive her into the sea. That said, she is by no means the innocent. Israel has conducted her own atrocities, history testifies to that also, but unlike the vast bulk of the region, Israel is a democracy that practices liberty, and that simply wants to live in peace.

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