National vote down feed the kids – welcome to the horror of John Key’s NZ


It is a dark and shameful day for NZ. Wednesday night in Parliament, the National Government voted down MANA’s ‘Feed The Kids’ Bill. It would have seen the hungriest children at the poorest schools fed Breakfast and Lunch with funding for schools to set up gardens and help organise parent volunteers.

It would have been one of the most substantial means by which we lift an entire class of children in poverty out of poverty.

John Key’s National Party said no. We have $28million for a bullshit flag referendum. We have money for a millionaires yacht race. We have millions to re-invade Iraq with the real possibility we will be culpable for war crimes alongside ‘allies’  as cruel and evil as those we are supposedly fighting and we have $400 million to blow on more unsustainable dairy irrigation sourced from the sale of public assets which were paid for by taxpayer subsidies to the richest NZers.

But we don’t have the money to feed our own children locked into the paralysis of poverty in a  first world country.

We have refused to feed these children because middle Nu Zilind screams it’s the responsibility of the parents to feed those children. Middle Nu Zilind refuse to accept the pittance paid on welfare and the pittance paid as a minimum wage are to blame. Middle Nu Zilind refuse to trace the poverty back to Ruth Richardson’s mother of budget welfare cuts. Middle Nu Zilind demands ‘personal responsibility’ and garden variety bigotry to explain hungry children in poor schools.

Middle Nu Zilind believe this…



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Our hatred of the poor, our poverty denial, our need to believe that success is a personal choice and nothing to do with hegemonic power structures within society has robbed us of compassion, has robbed us of vision, has robbed us of our egalitarianism.

We have money for war, but no money to feed the poor.

Under National we are a land of the wrong uptight crowd, led by a multimillionaire Hawaiian mansion money trader who with a compliant mainstream media, abuses political power using a laid back ease that appeals to the anti-intellectualism of middle Nu Zilind.

While throwing up over National’s actions. let’s not forget that it was Labour who cut Hone’s throat in Te Tai Tokerau and ended the only party dedicated to the poor.

This is not my country, this is some neoliberal nightmare from which there seems no waking.


  1. Amongst some of the National voters were people who believed John Key when he promised to tackle child poverty. Of course he never intended to do any such thing, but polls showed that a majority of National supporters were concerned about it. So maybe not all Middle NewZild are completely uncaring. On the other hand, maybe they are, and happy blame the poor for the poverty the system has inflicted upon them. Shame on National Act and United Future. The fact the vote was so close indicates that quite a lot of mainstream NZ (and some non mainstream ), who voted for Labour, Greens, and NZ First , did support it. Funny how the system always seems to tip the decision to the right though.

    • “John Key when he promised to tackle child poverty. Of course he never intended to do any such thing, but polls showed that a majority of National supporters were concerned about it.”

      Yeah, concerned he might actually spend money on the problem instead of a flag or a yacht race.

  2. yeh Martin your reaction matches mine but more eloquently. This is a bastard of a Govt which only feeds the hands that feeds it, a cronyistic oligarchy/plutocracy which now appears to control media, police, armed forces etc. We are so close to the Totalitarian state of ‘1984’. I came to AotearoaNZ some 50 years ago seeking a country which gave people a fair go. I found it but now, sadly that tide has gone out and shows no sign of returning.

    • Yet not a squeak out of the opposition about those abuses you bring up. Why are The Greens, Labour and NZ First so quiet when the abuses are appareently so flagrent? Not even a press release highlighting how the Police and Security services are now the tool of the National party.

  3. I have read some disgusting comments this morning, on a page against poverty. The entitled middle NZers who are making their views known about this, is appalling. More bashing of the parents for CHOOSING not to feed their kids. I can see why many ppl’s fighting spirit has just died.

  4. Martyn;

    Once again you have provided us with a brilliant analysis of why we are at the place we are today.

    The meanness of Key and his Gvt clearly shows he couldn’t give a
    stuff about poverty, hardship and pay rates that don’t meet needs of a basic standard of living,regardless of what he pretends to say.
    And why Winston winning the by-election is so important.

    Yes, that cartoon is particularly ugly.

    In my day,late 50’s-60’s(the height of standard of education) we were taught gardening skills with a garden out the back at primary
    school for standard 5&6.

    Looks like those indoctrinated bigot’s of muddle NZ won’t start to wake up until they start to realize that they too start to become be part of this group that may well face them in the coming near future.

    The system we live under has never worked well in the history of our
    western civilization with continual periods of prosperity and collapse
    that we now know are manipulated by the ‘powers that be’.

    Unfortunately,any change for the better may have to wait for the
    next period of collapse and maybe,just maybe,we can change things
    for good if we get prepared and organized and can take back control
    to the people where it rightfully belongs.

    A short period of what’s needed did exist in early America.
    I believe there is a group in America preparing to do just that,if only
    they can succeed.

    This short thesis,in the link below,describes what could be;

    ” The political spectrum being taught today in our schools is totally false.
    The notion of a political spectrum with three poles of left,center,and
    right has come to us as a legacy from Aristototle’s idea that virtue
    consists of the ‘rational course’ that lies between two opposite and natural extremes of defect and excess.

    This rationale course he called the ‘Golden Mean’

    Every time the privilege of a subsidy is granted to a certain individual
    or group, someone else’s right to their income is destroyed to pay for it.
    Every time the privilege of price controls is established for certain corporations,someone else’s right to trade freely is destroyed in the process.

    When we combine Aristotle’s Doctrine of the Mean with Lock’s contractual theory of limited government we gain an irrefutability of
    political theory that has never before been achieved in history,but which is so necessary to fend off the perennial despots of humanity.

    We fashion the political ideal not just for the 18th and 19th centuries BUT FOR ALL TIME.”



    • “This is not my country, this is some neoliberal nightmare from which there seems no waking”

      Nothing more to add……… Bloody Shame

  5. Martyn is right. He nailed it – and may he keep on nailing it less some of us might slip into uncaring-ness or any shade of complacency. JK’s priorities are wrong, his perspective is wrong. He should get some guts!!!

  6. I was interested to see Steven Joyce’s comments about reducing sugar in the diet. He didn’t see a need to do this ($$$$) but said that fluoridation would do instead. Point being, Middle NewZild pays for fluoridation in the water supply through rates, while the government can continue to take taxes from the processed food and drink producers. Win/Win for the government.

    The most effective way of improving dental health is through a nutritious diet. This happens to have other benefits for the individual and society, but it is a long term benefit, and the government isn’t interested in long term.

    • Too right!!! (Weston Price)

      Hamilton came close to doing the right thing in regard to Fluoride, . . .but its an uphill battle, one that will never be won.

      It is very interesting to note When/Why/and How Fluoride was first introduced into the water supply in this country. Makes for some interesting reading, . ..thought provoking. I would also recommend the book ‘The Fluoride Deception’ – By Christopher Byson for all interested parties (removes Tin Foil Hat).

      You make a good point regarding nutrition, though our system and society is geared toward quick fix money making treatment rather than dealing with the cause. I think this is by design. It is so very much easier to live a lifestyle that is killing us than one that is enriching for our health (mind, body and soul). This will only get worse with TPPA and inability to tell apart REAL, Healthy, Natural food the way God made it, from the Cancer causing Monsanto GMO BS.

      Foods that cause disease, Chemicals that cause apathetic stupor, Pills to create false happiness when the Depression is valid, . . .when it is and should be the natural response to the sick world that we live in. Entertainment that degrades and distracts the mind and spirit. An Education system that indoctrinates, teaches one to conform and repeat, rather than individualism and contemplation.

      This kind of decision is fully in line with every other aspect of the society that has been created for us. This IS the intent (IMO).
      The fact that the usual suspects are in here down voting is proof of the efficiency of their mass brainwashing. Values only exist in reference to numerals ($$$) with many, many people these days.

      Gotta reduce the population somehow eh. Damn pesky Parasitic Human Race. May as well prop up an industry and make some dollars in the meantime.

      /Conspiratorial World View (forgot to remove my Tin Foil Hat earlier, . .damn chemically castrated brain matter making me forgetful)

    • I’ll repost this since it seems to have slipped through the cracks the first time. . .Though bizarrely my later comments were approved>>>


      Too right!!! (Weston Price)

      Hamilton came close to doing the right thing in regard to Fluoride (imo), . . .but its an uphill battle, one that will never be won.

      It is very interesting to note When/Why/and How Fluoride was first introduced into the water supply in this country. Makes for some interesting reading, . ..thought provoking. I would also recommend the book ‘The Fluoride Deception’ – By Christopher Byson for all interested parties (removes Tin Foil Hat).

      You make a good point regarding nutrition, though our system and society is geared toward quick fix money making treatment rather than dealing with the cause. I think this is by design. It is so very much easier to live a lifestyle that is killing us than one that is enriching for our health (mind, body and soul). This will only get worse with TPPA and inability to tell apart REAL, Healthy, Natural food the way God made it, from the Cancer causing Monsanto GMO BS.

      Foods that cause disease, Chemicals that cause apathetic stupor, Pills to create false happiness when the Depression is valid, . . .when it is and should be the natural response to the sick world that we live in. Entertainment that degrades and distracts the mind and spirit. An Education system that indoctrinates, teaches one to conform and repeat, rather than individualism and contemplation.

      This kind of decision is fully in line with every other aspect of the society that has been created for us. This IS the intent (IMO).
      The fact that the usual suspects are in here down voting is proof of the efficiency of their mass brainwashing. Values only exist in reference to numerals ($$$) with many, many people these days.

      Gotta reduce the population somehow eh. Damn pesky Parasitic Human Race. May as well prop up an industry and make some dollars in the meantime.

      /Conspiratorial World View (forgot to remove my Tin Foil Hat earlier, . .damn chemically castrated brain matter making me forgetful)

  7. Well put Martyn – and don’t forget everyone we as Tax Payers give John boy and his buddies FREE MEALS EVERYDAY

    • @ Gil Gurney – Spot on there.

      And while that lot are troughing, filling their gluttonous guts with the best of food etc, not to mention alcohol, courtesy of taxpayer funding, Kiwi kids can carry on living in impoverished conditions, going without meals, getting sick!!!!!!!!!!

      GGGRRRR! I am so dam angry at these two bills being voted down!

    • IMO. Politicians should be payed minimum wage. I think that would fix so many issues in one fell swoop. A whole different breed of person would be attracted to politics, . . . John Key and his ilk would return to the natural profession of the Psychopath, . . .Banker. . .Wall Street Mercenary, . ..Insurance broker (lol), Hedge Fund Man etc. Take your pick.

      I imagine it would drag the bottom end off the ground and out of poverty. Wishful thinking, obviously.

  8. Look in the mirror, middle New Zealand….isn’t the hideous loathsome beast you see reflected back at you projected onto those more vulnerable?

    Is it not so much easier on your damaged psych ‘s to blame someone else for your failings?….the things you passionately believed and grew up with in your youth?….your cherished ideals of thrift and hard work and personal achievement?

    And that you so , so easily forgot the society that enabled you to achieve SOME of those things was on the backs of an earlier generation who had gone through a depression , fought and lost loved ones and bled and died in two World Wars?

    That the free education you gained your foothold up the ladder on was not good enough for the unwashed masses of today ?

    The union awards that created equality and wealth for your parents to give you a good start in life was for you and no one else?

    I would suggest….that the beast you see reflected back at yourselves in the mirror is the beast that is in your minds ,-and the end product of projecting your deep sense of moral failure and feelings of hipocracy onto other human beings and deflecting any and all culpability….

    This , being far less terrifying than admitting and realizing that the real beast…..

    Is YOU.

    • Well it may be you, but it’s not me. It is the neo lberal voter. Who incidentally have, seldom been the majority in any election.

  9. Disgusting, also in the context of so many politicians needing stomach stapling operations due to over eating on the taxpayer dollar.

    The Greens should put in a vote to take the politicians free lunch away every day… public would love it.

    Also have to disagree that middle NZ wants this. You are spreading an unproven discourse which quite frankly the National party would be pleased you are doing, as it takes the pressure off their greedy deeds, by saying they are supporting middle NZ.

    If you look at the Cambell live campaign middle NZ donated generously to Kids Can to feed the kids.

    Middle NZ does NOT want hungry kids.

    • Yes…perhaps it is so. And good point.

      However there are vast swathes of the population….both middle class and other sectors who….by dissociating themselves like the Czars of Russia, like the French Aristocracy ….are displaying that callous and indifferent – indeed in many cases deliberate – contempt for those less well off .

      It is THESE that the criticism is to be leveled at. It is also THESE that scream the loudest when their rights are threatened – and usually in a superficial and trivial way.

      THESE who are quite content to say ”what the hell – who really cares- it’ll sort itself out eventually”….

      A magnificent recent example is this idiotic hullabaloo regarding a pack of total no – namer judges at a lesser known and badly produced X factor singing contest.

      Middle NZ … and along with again many other sectors… were in an uproar – yet we have XKEYscore, surveillance of the Pacific nations, constant punitive measures on the working poor….

      Where were all THESE moralistic middle classes when Key was busy lying to the public?

      Voting for National, that’s what.

      And so…middle class or otherwise – this population needs to take a good account of just WHERE its priority’s REALLY lay.

    • SAVE NZ;

      And what’s the meme/mantra continually repeated down from high?


      Even more repugnant.


  10. Just following orders, just doing what the power elitist agenda is. Cut funding for humanity and fund war efforts and sucking up to crooks and thieving corporations. It is all part of a huge plan put into place many years ago. The Agenda 21 deception and the New World Order plans – I feel we need to get to know these and learn the whys and hows. Learn how the Steven Joyce’s and other power trippers do what they do and why.

    What is wrong with being a liberal? A good liberal who fights for justice and fairness for all. I feel the word Liberal has gotten an unfair rap lately.
    Definition of “liberal” = open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values – favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms. Doesn’t sound too bad to me.

    The nats and jonkey are just good little puppets doing what they are told and they could care less about hungry kids and those who are out of work and those who are homeless. Good little U.S. suck puppies with no spine and I am embarrassed about the cesspool deep hole the nats. are trying to put us into. The nats have plenty of guts but with the wrong priorities. Voters, wake up. Smell the ugliness and nightmares.

    Another great bit of work Martyn, thanks. Keep em coming.

  11. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the matter the question remains as to what happens to all those in poverty at weekends, public holidays, school holidays, especially the long summer break. Does anyone know?

    • Sometimes our relatives take a child for the holidays, or when we get one of theirs they hopefully (not always) will bring food (i personally always send food when my child is taken for a holiday, and if im lucky money, by lucky i mean power bill in credit so i can give that payment for my daughter to take with her so that extra food can be bought) Otherwise its pack backpacks we are out walking and swimming for the day. When the food starts running out, usually 2 days before payday, my children are fed, and when visitors come we hide in the room until they go. Living the dream, just living the dream.

      • FYI my niece/daughter moved to aussie got a job, and connected me to the internet, just incase your wondering. She is appalled by this govt and will never move back.

  12. Disgraceful!

    Impoverished children continue to go hungry! Children denied the opportunity of learning to grow and produce their own food, through the education curriculum!

    And now to add insult to injury there’s this –

    Govt now attacking our most vulnerable, disabled and special needs children!

    All the while, there’s money available for corporate welfare – Team NZ, Sky City etc etc!

    SHAME! SHAME! SHAME on Key and the filthy low life clinging to him, disguised as representatives of the people!

    And here’s me thinking this blighted govt couldn’t sink any lower!

    What is it going to take to remove Key and his sordid lot of excrement MPs? A revolution? Seems like it to me!

  13. I’m fairly certain this wont be popular here, . . . but here goes!

    Proverbs 29:7 The righteous considereth the cause of the poor, but the wicked regardeth not to know it.

    1 John 3:17 But whoso hath this world’s goods and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up the compassion of his heart from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?

    18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth.

    Psalm 82:2 How long will ye judge unjustly and accept persons of the wicked? Selah

    3 Defend the poor and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and needy.

    4 Deliver the poor and needy; rescue them out of the hand of the wicked.

    Here NEHEMIA. Before you say it in your own words – 2 Thessalonians 3:10

    • Aye….@ 333…..

      The very words of life itself.

      Book of John was always my favorite ,….and the life of King David an inspiration. It was his supreme devotion and loyalty and integrity to be a good servant .Despite him being a warrior King…hands too bloody to build the Temple….he wrote many of the Psalms.

      Thanks for the reminder .


  14. Same f#cking right-wing cartoonist who belittled it the first time. Bet he’s a f#cking fat pakeha ensconced in keyland. Feed the kids, where they live, where their parents need jobs to afford their overly expensive landlord’s rental property.

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