If we are going to bomb Syria, why aren’t we taking their refugees?


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Amnesty International has just started a campaign called ‘Open to Syria’, with the aim of encouraging the New Zealand government to accept more refugees per year. John Key is adamant that this is a bad idea.

Accepting more refugees is a great idea especially if we’re going to involve ourselves in the most severe and complex conflicts of our time. It makes zero sense to send troops that will further damage the infrastructure of these areas and the livelihoods of the people there if we’re not even going to do anything to help the innocent people caught in the crossfire.

We are currently facing the worst humanitarian crisis since World War 2 and our quota hasn’t been increased since then. Before we criticize Australia for claiming to take their ‘fair share’ while turning the boats away, we should take a look at our own selves. We’re not even close to the number that other nations take on a per capita basis. We really have no legitimacy in saying that we simply can’t do it.

To say that we can’t afford to look after them is quite offensive and telling of our lack of understanding of our refugee community. Yes, they will need our help when they first arrive – this is obvious and mandatory. But as soon as they’re on their feet, the first thing they do is give back in any way they can. Some of the most generous and loving people you will ever meet arrived in New Zealand as refugees or are children of those who did.

I even hate talking about this situation from the viewpoint of ‘what’s in it for us?’ because it’s not about that. It’s about humanity and helping those who need our help. If the National government is harping on about how our economy is booming, then what is the problem? Why can’t we play our part on the world stage in a way that is so much more meaningful than dropping bombs?


  1. While even in New Zealand there are some kids going hungry at school age, sadly the vast “silent majority” is heading for outpacing Mexicans and US Americans for being the “fattest” people on the planet.

    I suppose there are too many big stomachs around, leaving too little space for refugees to settle here?!

    But cynicism aside, I think an increase of the present ridiculously small qouta for refugees is justified. As for the whole crisis in Syria, we need to equip the UN with resources to stop atrocities and wars happening, to first of all pressure nations and individuals to stop supplying arms and so to fighters, that are now ruining places like Syria.

    I doubt that the training New Zealand will offer Iraqi forces will make much of a difference, but a UN effort would be appropriate, to step in and stop the fighting in Syria, Iraq and other places, as difficult as it may seem. Only the UN can have a mandate, no other single nation, or even a “coalition of the willing”.

    Problem is the UN is handicapped due to a divided Security Council and so, and some always throwing in their veto.

    The world is in a mess, and it will likely get worse, but simply reacting, and offering refuge alone, will not solve the humanitarian crisis, unless the causes are fought. Next will be Yemen, heading for civil war also.

    That will mean yet more refugees, and other places are creating more to come, e.g. Libya, possibly Lebanon, and more troubles in Egypt, where a government now has a mad plan to build a new mega city capital, while they are up to their eyeballs in debt.

    • Are you aware that the UN does not have a standing army and therefore the only way it can make peace is sanction the use of force by other nations (e.g. the US)?

      • It would be a start if certain “powers” sign up under UN supervision to take some actions, rather than interfere on their own, with ulterior motives. The UN has forces in various places, yes, admittedly mostly for peace keeping and monitoring.

        But UN mandated troops have taken more active action in places in Africa and so.

        Simply doing nothing, lamenting and hoping all suddenly start embracing each other and making peace, and until Nirwana comes, we simply accept endless numbers of refugees will not solve anything, as it will stretch local resources, and lead to internal tensions this country will not have seen in its whole history.

        Remember resources are FINITE, and when people here suddenly face problems other places on the over populated planet face, it will become a place not any better, a place also going to be laid to waste.

        • Those UN mandated troops were under the control of the nations involved not the UN itself. Both the Korean and First Gulf War’s were UN mandated. The forces fighting under the UN banner were controlled by the US though.

  2. How many budding Mozarts, Einsteins,Rutherfords are there that this beautiful 99% empty country can accept?
    The most beneficial impact this country can make for those most in need is a safe and secure home……..free from fear.

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