When Fran O’Sullivan, John Armstrong and Cameron Slater are singing Andrew Little’s praises


The mainstream media of NZ will never allow a Labour leader who threatens the bastions of neoliberalism from ever taking power. David Cunliffe found that out. So when the mainstream media establishment from Fran O’Sullivan to John Armstrong to even Cameron Slater are singing Andrew Little’s praises, it’s a sure sign that the establishment will accept Little winning in 2017.

The other side of that sword of course is that Labour simply become the political management team to govern Capitalism who take over when National are tired.

We are told we have to accept Labour voting for 24 hour warrantless searches because the mainstream media will see that as proof that Labour are happy to cripple our civil liberties to be the Government in waiting.

What a wonderful compromise to make.


  1. I’ve said it before, if National had come on all hot and heavy Neo Liberal and honestly and plainly laid their hand on the table prior to 2008 and said this is what we stand for:

    Asset sales including state houses,
    The dismantling of the state housing policy,
    Tax cuts for the wealthy,
    GST/ACC rises,
    Demands for higher SOE dividends that are passed on to all of us even if it breaks some companies like Solid Energy,
    Employee hostile labour laws
    Publicly funded private Charter schools,
    Funding for the Justice and police sector slashed
    Health budget cuts,
    Backward transport policy,
    Dirty Politics being run out of the PM’s office with the SIS involved,
    Secretive deals with multinationals decided over gin and tonics to give SkyCity TVNZ’s land and buildings and shit loads of pokie machines at least for a bloody conference centre or Warner Bros a film for our labour rights and cash to boot,
    And best of all we have no real economic policy except for borrow and hope but with cheap exploitable temporary immigrant labour and a speculators property market to give NZ 6 years of deficits at least to name but a few……….

    Then what would the chances of been of them being elected? NIL.

    But hey they didn’t. Instead what we got chummy, beersy, barby boy, aw shucks multi zillionaire rags to riches myth John Key and a bunch of poindexter nasty creeps who were kept well in the background and who espoused next to nothing, just broad meaningless cliches like “The Brighter Future”.

    Its a stupid game that has to played to stupid rules!

      • Shona, watch these same stupid people winge when their kids can not afford to buy a home, and have to work a 10 hour shift without a meal break.
        You can be sure this scenario is not far away.
        Shame on this government and shame on the fools who voted for them 3 terms in a row.

      • Bought by the stupid people of New Zealand, or bought by the very frightened people of New Zealand? Possibly both. I have not even mentioned incredible self-interest.

  2. “So when the mainstream media establishment from Fran O’Sullivan to John Armstrong to even Cameron Slater are singing Andrew Little’s praises, it’s a sure sign that the establishment will accept Little winning in 2017”.

    Nonsense. O’Sullivan has backed every Labour leader chosen including Cunliffe. She is a low quality excitable shill who every since John Key released an email with her little name in it has run around like a headless chicken. Ask her where she gets her income outside of the NZH. I work for a corporate that had representatives attending a conference late last year on the Gold Coast. Katherine Rich organised it and who was there? That’s right. Fran. Credibility = zero.

  3. Oh my God ! Surprise ! Not .

    Helen ‘ Cast Iron Arse’ Clarke handed us over to National remember , so nothing new right ?

    Look , how far is it going to have to go before you guys see the light ?

    Farmers = money .

    National = farmers + money + swindle + MSM + bank + debt + only fucking export currency generator we have = Swin- the fuck – dle !

    Farmers = 53 k individuals earning their SOLE income from the land .

    Sole income from the land pay for this country to function . ( I agree , a bitter pill to choke down and it doesn’t even kiss you before you go clubbing . )

    Idiots nitpick that by extension it’s a greater number than that . Of , the fuck , course that number is greater . But not by much Mr / Mrs / Ms Nitpick . And that number is working class / trades type people . NOT . I repeat . NOT Banker Wankers , NOT money lender Benders . But good old , salt of the Earth worker types . You know those types right ? They go to work in the dark , come home in the dark , beat the missus , ignore the kids , get pissed , get in a fight , think the world revolves around the All Blacks ball sacks then plan on dying the day after 65 because their life insurance company says they must .

    Farmer money = swindle .

    Swindle = Lie

    Lie = massive , on – going Kiwi cluster fuck .

    Cluster fuck = massive monies / privileges / swanky Auckland / mythical economy .

    Therefore and to , the fuck , conclude ! ( Oh my God this is sooooo boring now . )

    The – Great – New – Zealand – Institutionalised – The – Fuck – Lie .

    Don’t you get it ? Those fuckers are playing a tag team .

    Why , the fuck , you ask ?

    Because there’s HUGE money in it . You think slater and his creepy crew doesn’t know that ? You guys , you lovely and great guys in TDB have no idea do you ? You’re actually innocent of the terrible truths aren’t you ?

    OMG . That’s it . You actually don’t really know what’s going on . That’s so sweet . ( Sniff / tear . )

    Here’s a thing . If you don’t fucking well start following the money trail to it’s uncomfortable beginnings , and ultimately to its disastrous endings , I must conclude that you , TDB’ers are complicit .

    What have you got to say to that then ?

    And please , to save time . I know I’m old , dumb , ugly , brainless and broke so lets see something original folks . xx

    When some Labour Leader punches jonky – stien up his hooked snout ? Then , and only then will I know that we have a Leader heading in the correct direction . ( I nearly wrote ‘ right ‘ direction . ) It’s harder than one thinks , to be careful of ones fucking words .

    Here , the fuck , is somethng funny .

    You know you’re Irish when …

  4. Has anybody heard Andrew Little and Labour talk about policies lately? I noted the MSM giving Little credit for doing rather well, and for challenging the government on some topics that mattered in their eyes. This was though more of the “boxing match” style political discussion and assessment we got, and some praised Little for his “cut the crap” challenge in Parliament.

    But what about that once upon a time talked about “review” after the election, the talk about reviewing policy, and getting it right for “New Zealanders”, so they feel they can vote Labour again?

    I see Little and Labour falling prey to the MSM manipulations, their baits and carrot and stick treatment. Labour seems so shit scared to talk about policy now, it is “meeting” the MSM, on the ground where the MSM want Labour to be.

    That is to be the “safe hands” to take over the helm of government, when people get tired of Key, so the neoliberal journey can continue, with just a tint of rose colour in it, hardly noticeable. That will allow the private media, like most private business and corporates there are, to keep on with the status quo, while Labour may try and appease the low wage earners and poor with a few morsels to chase for and chew on.

    Heaven forbid, I fear Labour have really fallen for all this crap now. Expect very little, and consider other options, we need a stronger force left of Labour, keeping them “honest”, if that is possible at all. On “The Nation” today I saw it all, the chattery between the MSM and the political establishment we have, how sick!

  5. The whole left vs right ideological debate is nothing more than a sideshow which draws attention away from the fact that any vote is a vote for the Crown.

    • Yep…….. Hey countryboy, I wish you would stop flattering yourself”!! Your not the only one that see,s the whole picture…yes ..Zionist, money masters … Rothchilds etc, manipulation and cause of every god damn war, communism, a Jewish construct, neoliberalism ……..ONE WORLD ORDER(OWO) …Rublicans, Democrats (Two headed monster) puppets of the OWO …National + Labour just the same deal one just a bit more subtle in its deception than the other.

  6. “But it is fair to say they have strong knowledge of the risks New Zealand does face from local extremists who are prepared to take up the cudgels on behalf of foreign interests…”
    I thought Fran was talking about John Key and the National Party.

  7. The Labour Party have also come out in support of the Trans Pacific Partnership. Here is a link to a german website article http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/
    (Use Google Translate) that says the TransAtlantic Partnership will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs in Europe while benefitting USA and big capital.
    I hope Little and his team are aware of the consequences of their actions.

  8. Martyn, remember the saying from back during Rogernomics?

    “Last one leaving NZ turn off the lights please”

    This banner should again be wrapped all around the bee hive to remind this criminal mob called National up close and personal, all of what they have done again to us all.

    This National have gladly followed the Rogernomics era after knowing full well the destruction and damage the first round of this insidious destructive plan had caused to the fabric of our NZ society.

    Labour will never repeat rogernomics again as they they along with all of us, now clearly learned through our suffering we have now again.

  9. Fortunately we can vote Greens or hopefully MANA at the next election then. I’m generally glad that the new Labour leadership and revamped organisation is being accepted by the MSM and even many Tory pundits. I think it’s vital that we are supportive (while critical when necessary) of a Labour Party which appeals to the overly important ‘middle New Zealand’ swing voter. But of course their support of extending spy powers this week is a reminder why Left parties outside of Labour exist, and why I vote for them. Let’s let the MSM keep their FPP-style Prime Minister Idol coverage going while we organise on the loud and proud Left to campaign at (and potentially against) Labour when we actually have some power. Remember ’99 – we were the Alliance, better than Labour, but we worked together and achieved. As long as healthy policy debate doesn’t turn into competitive demonisation, we’re in in 2017.

    • The Greens are the party that makes it legal for our sons and daughters to sell themselves and who backed away from the GE argument. They have no credibility.

  10. Looks like Labour still haven’t worked out that the Internet Party is what truly lost them the election. Little looks stronger which is good but so long as there is a chance that a party manipulated by Kim Dotcom might be a coalition partner the swinging voters will head in the opposite direction.

  11. Labour still haven’t convinced me enough to give my support. Faith is not there like it was so long ago.

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