Question Time in Parliament Today – National Party MPs cheer graph that shows huge increase in greenhouse emissions


This is the graph the National Party were shown by Russel Norman in Parliament today and they all cheered…




…they cheered?!?!?!?

That’s beyond denial, that’s just gleefully suicidal.


  1. Well whaddya expect? They probably thought it shows how much the Nation’s GDP has increased as a result of the introduction of yet more neoliberal policies by the National Government. Or perhaps a graph of how much navel-fluff our dearly-beloved Tim G is right now picking out while he is busy attending the current Climate-Change forum?? (The red line is an index of dear Tim’s level of alertness and arousal as the conference wears on).

    Speaking of which, Jane Gleeson-White’s interview with Kim Hill on Saturday was superbly informative.

    If you want to know what a misleading load of crap the measurement of GDP amounts to as an index if the nation’s economic well-being, do please listen in . . .


  2. There is a possibility they were cheering because Norman actually bought up something that relates to the Green party for a change, the guys a chump and Turei needs to kick his ass into touch for good and for the future of the GP
    That said can someone enlighten me as to who sets the emission targets that seems like a drastic drop by 2050…Thanks in advance

    • Can you please provide your reasons for your description of Russell Norman. We may learn something – otherwise your blog has no meaning. Thank you.

  3. The red line shows the I Q level of the average New Zealander the longer National stay in power.
    As the dumbing down process becomes more entrenched via a dumb media incapable of asking the hard questions, so will New Zealanders expectations of what a brighter future actually looks like, and the inevitable drift , (which is already becoming obvious) , towards being a Banana Republic will be complete!
    There’s a book waiting to be written our there.

    How The Most Beautiful Country In The World Got F**ked Over !

    • Ummm yeah thanks for that definitive answer, as an average NZr reading your comment i would say the dumbing down is complete, oh well guess i could google it, and i think you will find once you take off your tinfoil blinkers we still live in the most beautiful country in the world

  4. The poor simpletons probably thought they were looking at Nationals rise in popularity (blue line) compared with Labors red line.
    God help us because politicians never will.

  5. Any reasonable person would wonder why National bothers to have a Minister for Climate Change Issues, unless (as betrayed by the above reported behaviour) National actually wants climate change to occur. Feeling cold people? have patience! The more billions of tonnes of CO2 we pump into the atmosphere, the warmer it will get. We can save money on heating, insulation and might be able to grow our own bananas and mangoes soon. Not to mention the rising seas giving us new bays in which we can establish more aquaculture. Who says climate change is bad? National thinks its good, therefore it must be good.

    • Yeah, probably caused by destruction of industries as coastal cities are submerged by rising sea levels and more energetic weather events (aka “once-in-a-century storms”).

      • No, I think the destruction of NZ industries is more likely the result of wholesale export of NZ jobs to China in the form of unprocessed commodities like logs and seafood. Even high-tech construction industry jobs for highly skilled NZ engineers are being being bundled up and sent offshore for lower paid Indians to do on our behalf, thanks to multinational corporations.

  6. I hope John Key’s Omeha ‘bach’ is the first casualty from Global Warming. Apparently the council got a report from engineers recommending that flood and erosion alerts put on Omeha LIM’s. No can do, all the rich barristers there rushed out and put a stop on that cos property prices would fall in Omeha. Yep they just love to kid themselves. I guess they will sue the council when they all get flooded and the poor ratepayers will pay for their ‘repairs’. It’s win win. Cos the truth is really just a expendable factor depending on how much money and influence you have. Bend the truth and then get the poor to bail you out when it all goes wrong.

  7. National stands for Plunder. Russel also said that due to international observers warning if NZ slips much further behind the target they set when the Carbon price goes up we will owe another $50 billion in carbon credit taxes.
    NatZ wont care because they will be booted out by then and leave the debt to the next labour lead Government.

    What was so disgusting was that the Speaker was not even closing down the NatZ as they were just jeering and yelling while normally the speaker comes down hard on opposition members if they are rowdy so one rule for NatZ and one for the others, so the parliament was unruly today beyond the norm and Russel couldn’t get himself heard properly at all today nor could others.

    The NatZ were out of order today and the speaker Carter should be fired.

    A new standard should be made as Parliament is so unmanageable now as is this Government.

  8. It doesn’t surprise me that they laugh.

    When 4 million were made homeless and the bodies of the dead still lay in the streets, or remained trapped in the rubble.

    In the deadly wake of Typhoon Haiyan, Tau Henare, National, and Shane Jones, Labour, competed to shout down Russel Norman in our parliament when he tried to read out Yeb Sano’s desperate plea to the world to cut back on green house gas emissions.

    Psychopaths is the only world to properly describe them.

  9. They just cheered because they thought it would annoy the greens. It’s not really that much of a big deal. Well it would be if it got played on the MSM but other wise its just the Nats being the same old bunch of idiotic bullies they’ve always been.

  10. I remember when I was more on the right as a teen. I was militaristic, pro nuclear, and thought that Green meant bearded hippie hugging trees. However, where I grew up and learned to care for my fellow humans, many on the right have not done so.

    However, remember that the right does have some good people who do care. I may not agree with their political stance, but good people are not defined by their political beliefs, but by how they act. This is proof of that as well. 😀

      • It helped me become what I am today Frank, which means a proud ‘Leftie’. I never thought that I would end up here, but would not have it any other way.

        I do not like Russell very much. I think seeing him that he is a career politician out for himself. (Just my own personal view). Meretia is the opposite, and the one the Greens should be promoting as she is real and one of us. However, whatever my views, Russell should be heard with respect and courtesy, but these are foreign ideas to people like Bridges, Bennett and Key sadly.

  11. On this occassion it is obvious you weren’t watching. The cheers came before Norman explained what the graph was illustrating, and we’re in response to Norman’s comment that the blue line was going up. Norman is increasingly looking second rate, giving such obvious opportunities for the Nats to laugh him off.

    • A reading of the transcript does bear out what @Nehemiawall is saying.

      The cheering was for the phrase “the blue line is going up” not for the increase in emissions. Yes, they are a bunch of puerile prats but Russel knows that – recolouring the graph before presenting it would have been a good idea.

      However, having said that, Bill English starts off by saying “Yes” to having confidence on Treasury’s economic projections but towards the end of the supplementary questions says “The Government is fully aware of the implications of the emissions trading system. However, we are not as certain as the member is about the projections, as indicated by the ways extrapolated—the costs mentioned by Treasury.”

      So, they have “confidence” but not “certainty”? What a load of dissembling bollocks from Bill English. Questions deflected, business as usual, question time handled.

      Meantime, GHGs are on the rise – there will be consequences.

      • My concern is that Norman seems to have lost the ability to communicate effectively. In my view he has lost a lot of credibility (perhaps the MSM accentuate his negatives?), and the Green ‘brand’ is suffering as a result. Rather than being seen as a progressive voice, he is seen as a whinger.

  12. In all my years I cannot remember a more viscious, deceitful , dictatorial , and dangerous administration as this one. It is very similar to the sort of govts we read about happening overseas.

    This is no longer funny. It is serious. These people are the culmination of 35 years of unopposed neo liberal economic and political ideaology, – with the end result being quasi proto – totalitarians.

    These people are the indicators of the future. I am genuinely concerned for future generations.

    • ^^^^^^^
      I should also have added the wall clown above my previous post as one of the byproducts of the sludge of neo liberalism. It is hard to imagine such a loathesome dogma can manufacture such cloned drones.

  13. And why wouldn’t they, global warming is about as believable as peak oil. Just a lie so the UN can control your lives. 18 years of no warming and counting.

      • Indeed, Frank, indeed. A vast left-wing conspiracy for global control out of that seething commie cesspool, the UN.
        Fortunately, a small but plucky group of oil industry truth seekers in concert with a band of similarly honest think tanks have exposed this outrageous scam and are selflessly pouring billions of dollars into communicators and lobbyists.
        Further, it has recently become known that the sources of this global conspiracy is a cadre of eco-communists cleverly dispersed in the Maldives, the Philippines and headquartered in Tuvalu.

        • Dale is right. To think that humans can actually have influence of the temperature of the earth! Can we control gravity, the lunar cycle, tides, how far away the sun is? We do not even know the size of the cosmos. We are hurtling through the galaxy at 390 kilometers per second! By all means promote, encourage and subsidize non polluting and healthy energy sources, but not by using mythical nonsense.

          • Dan, not only can humans influence the temperature of the Earth, but it has happened twice before;

            1. Human activity nearly decimated the ozone layer until we ceased fouling the atmosphere with chloroflourocarbons (CFCs). The Ozone Hole affected New Zealand and Australia, as higher levels of UV radiation penetrated to the surface.

            2. Check out methane-eating cyanobacteria which, 3.5 billion years ago, transformed the atmosphere of this planet from methane to oxygen( Bacteria created the environment which allowed evolution to proceed, and without which the human race would never have appeared.

            Organisms can, and do, affect the environment. Humans are no different. In fact, we’re much worse – we do it on an industrial scale. Literally.

          • To think that the earth moves around the sun. What mythical nonsense – anyone can tell on any given day that the sun moves around the earth.
            As for that telescope thing – it’s an instrument of the devil.
            Who needs science when we have common sense?

  14. The people of Christchurch are screwed. Already we have had 20cm of sea level rise in the last century, but The Scientists tell us to expect this to accelerate to five times that rate *any day soon*, and Lianne Dalziel tells us we should be “thinking” about 7 metres!

    Well, I think we should be “thinking” about bulldozing what is left of this sad little city into the sea and starting afresh.

    Maybe we can displace everyone and turn ChCh into an industrial wind farm.

    • How can the moderator of this site allow this sort of paranoid nonsense on here.I have every sympathy for the people of Christchurch and what they have been through. A lot of people read the comments on this site. The vulnerable, the elderly and so on reading this site deserve a more informed and moderated commentary than this.

      • And the “vulnerable, the elderly and so on” shouldn’t read the latest report from the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment on projected sea level rise due to climate change?

  15. It is looking like it will be all over within the next 10 years, currently the environment is the closes to a massive temperature rise of no less than 9C, it has EVER been, never before has CO2 gone up so fast, never before has there been so much CH4 trapped by the rapid thawing ice,never before (to the best of our knowledge) has CH4 gone from an 800,000 year average of .7 ppm to 1.85 ppm in as little as 100 years. NEVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!,%20the%20Gakkel%20Ridge%20and%20human%20survival.pdf
    Everything is pointing to us currently at about 1,000ppm CO2/CO2e
    400 ppm CO2
    400 – 600ppm CO2e as CH4
    100 ppm N20 (or some such? I isn’t that smart)
    and someone calculated the negative feed back of the particulates (smog) acting like a curtain = about 60 ppm CO2e
    Its the methane, and ‘they’ don’t want you to know, or it is so fucking bad they haven’t a clue of how to tell you.

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