GUEST BLOG: Pat O’Dea – Stop Deep Sea Oil (shhhh don’t mention climate change)



Last Tuesday I went to the anti deep oil drilling protest in Queen Street, where we marched up to the Sky City Convention Centre. After a number of speeches were given. We were all asked to hang around for the rest of the day outside conference to make a show that we were still there and not going away easily.

And that is what we did.

After about an hour of nothing happening, I asked if I could make a statement on the Auckland Coal Action campaign against the coal mine at Mangatangi. No one else was using the sound system and nothing else was happening. So they (reluctantly) agreed. Sensing the organisers suspicion, I tried to relate their protest against unconventional fossil fuels, like deep sea oil, to climate change, and the need to stop coal. The organisers shouted me down and telling me to “shut up”, and “keep to the subject”. Which I took to mean, only talk about the environmental risks posed by deep sea oil spills, and not the danger to the climate that such technologies pose. (Even though these risks had been fully covered already by all the previous official speakers). When in response to their shouted objections and heckling I said, “Even if we stop all unconventional fossil fuel technologies like deep sea oil, and fracking, and tar sands, and shale oil, there are enough conventional fossil fuel reserves to still destroy the climate.” I was immediately told to “get off” their sound truck.

After I spoke the crowd still sat around, no one got up to speak, nothing else happened, and people just started drifting away.

So what moved me to speak as I did, at the anti deep sea oil drilling protest?

Last year I went to a talk given by Green Party MP Gareth Hughes about the campaign against deep sea oil, that he gave at the Auckland Green Party HQ in Mercury Lane.

What I took to heart from Gareth Hughes speech that day, was this, he said, “If we really want to stop deep sea oil drilling we must fight it on climate change grounds.”

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The reason for this, is that the evidence about climate change is so overwhelming that it cannot be refuted, by the oil companies.

In New Zealand objections based on climate change grounds are not allowed, by law, to be taken into consideration by New Zealand judges and courts when granting planning consents for new mining and drilling permits.

The evidence is so damning and the consequences are so terrifying, if this evidence were allowed to be heard, no new coal mines, or oil wells would ever be granted permits again.

So the government, at the behest of the oil and coal companies, have made it illegal for such evidence to be allowed in planning consent hearings.

My question is this: Why do we also publicly censor ourselves over these matters?


Pat O’Dea is the Mana spokesperson for climate change issues.



  1. It’s not ‘we’ it’s the organisers of that march. Who in my opinion are a bunch of egomaniac twats. How dare you talk at their holy march.

  2. This blog account is BS. The entire media and interviews for this campaign has CONSTANTLY linked the dangers of deep sea oil to the burning of fossilfuel impact/causes of climate change. If you were asked to keep on topic it was most certainly nothing to do with what you said about climate change. It is also blatently untrue that after you spoke noone else spoke and nothing else happened. I was there…it was a VERY positive march and rally and good speakers. The media cover was for once also accurate because the messages were clear and ON TOPIC ( well with rare exceptions obviously lol) I travelled from the start to the finish with the Hikoi and was present with, or caught up with all the media interviews and press cover which definitly made the link to climate change. I cant believe the negative spin you are putting on a positive campaign and it doesnt do Mana any favours either when throughout Mana Taitokerau people have worked hard on this issue. Bottomline though is that what you have said in this article is full of distortion and untruths.

    • “…the messages were clear and ON TOPIC ( well with rare exceptions obviously lol)”


      I take it, you were one of the people shouting me down and telling me to shut up?

      With all due respect Ketana we are all trying to do our best to fight the menace of climate change and pollution as hard as we can. We need to treat each other with respect.

      If others spoke or there were other activities it wasn’t till much later. I only asked if I could speak during some dead time. When I spoke there was nothing at all happening and people were just hanging around with many drifting away. I would never say anything that would detract from the campaign against deep sea oil. I am just as committed to stopping deep sea oil as you. And I would have joined your Hikoi if I could.

      I got up to speak about the campaign against coal, in particular the campaign against the new coal mine at Mangatangi, just south of Auckland.

      I talked about climate change to draw the two topics deep sea oil and coal together.

      Is this what you consider not “ON TOPIC”, “(LOL)”?

      If so I think you are being just a little bit precious.

      Coal even more than oil or gas is the most damaging of all the fossil fuels.

      Do you dispute this?

      James Hansen recognised the world over as the world’s pre eminent climate change scientist, has said, “If we can’t stop coal it is all over for the climate.”

      Also in the New Zealand context, it is the most easily removed from our economy. This would mark a major victory in the fight against climate change.

      No New Coal Mines is both Mana Party and Green Party policy.

      I got up to announce that Auckland Coal Action is calling for a roadside rally at Mangatangi this upcoming Labour weekend. You are welcome to turn up and speak and I can give you my guarantee that you will not be mocked you will be listened to and treated with respect.

      Seriously. All of us working to stop climate change, if we are sincere, need to start working together instead of attacking each other. This is my hope.

  3. This blog account is BS. The entire media and interviews for this campaign has CONSTANTLY linked the dangers of deep sea oil to the burning of fossilfuel impact/causes of climate change.


    I am aware Ketana that there have been a number of facebook posts on climate change as related to deep sea oil drilling. Some of them very good. This is why I was surprised to be yelled at and told to “shut up” and to “keep on topic” for raising the issue of climate change at a public venue.

    Can you explain your reasons?

  4. Well done Pat an excellent article,nice to see someone else, daring to have the courage to speak and to write about what’s really happening to our planet 🙂

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