That was Then, This is Now #25 – Keeping the buggers “honest”



That was then…


slater - keeping the buggers honest


This is now…


Slater taking media companies to court


Pretty hard to “keep the buggers honest” when the media are muzzled.

TDB Recommends

Or is Slater going to take on the role instead of media watchdog?

Yeah, because this guy has had such success with the MSM…



NBR - Slater - The Gig is over - the Truth closes down


Why stop at closing down just one newspaper, eh Cam?

So many media…

So little time to crush them all…




Radio NZ: Slater taking media companies to court

NBR: ‘Truth gig is over’ – Slater

Previous related blogposts

That was Then, This is Now #24 – Key challenges Cunliffe – then doesn’t!



john key Working for whaleoil




= fs =


  1. Whale Oil’s logo – is it meant to be an Orca? If so, it should have been a real heads-up his stories are full of hysteria. An Orca is in the dolphin family of mammals.

  2. He can release the Ede emails on this site? Especially if you already have them?

    Or someone who is not a reporter can release them for him?

    Anyway, these Ede emails are really frightening Key and Slugman and this is very good.

    They will come out – no matter what the court directs. There are always ways around these things – especially in the interest of “public good!”


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