3 guesses about Nicky Hager’s new book


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Nicky is about to inject some critical analysis into politics with the launch this Wednesday of his brand new book.

Here are my 3 guesses on his book.

1 – Right wing spin doctors in Wellington will be crying harder than Matthew Hooton post the Hollow Men.
2 – We won’t hear from the Taxpayer Union for a while.
3 – This won’t be the only time Nicky makes an impact before the election.


  1. I am hoping it will be the unveiling of a full-blown investigation into the whole GCSB saga, including the visit of James Clapper to NZ, the “promotion” of Gerry M, and the very dodgy appointment of Fletcher, plus the joining up of the dots to Dotcom.

    Someone needs to really dig deep on all of that, as there is still a LOT more about that to see the light of day!

    • Nice thought but I think there are bigger fish. The TPP is selling our sovereignty to the control of the USA. It has to be an expose on how the USA are manipulating John Key and his ego to get their agenda across the line. Some of us are old enough to remember the IMF pulling the same stunt with Muldoon, he too had an ego that needed constant massaging!!

  2. I suspect it is about the tax avoidance practises of businesses, shell companies in the Seychelles and that sort of thing.

    It will make a great 1-2 punch alongside Jane Kelsey’s also about to be released The FIRE Economy.

  3. We hope the corporate media gives it a fair spread in their press, Yeah right!

    If there is no response we will call for a all opposition party boycott of the press, and force a stop the election clock while Opposition demands NZTV sets aside resources and a channel exclusively for their combined news and policy promotions as the opposition have been a part of previous governments and should have resources to run there own MSM with NZTV funding right? that would be the fairest way out of this current right wing control of our MSM
    That way also Nicky Hager can cover in depth the events inside his new book.

    • To clarify, who is “we” CLEANGREEN?

      Full marks for your spirit but your proposed demands would effectively require a pre revolutionary setting with mass forces supporting the opposition parties on the streets; which is not the current political reality in NZ unfortunately.

      Elections and other norms once set in motion are difficult to stop bar natural disaster (Census canned after earthquake) or popular uprisings.

  4. We do await in anticipation for the release of Nicky Hager’s book on Willis Street and wonder if it has so much condemning details inside that this evil Government also bans the publication like they did today the Planet key song musical sketch video, and grabs the Hager books and burns them too like the last lot of fascist’s did in 1934

  5. Nah,

    For me it’s going to blow apart all the secret negotiations Key is doing behind our backs to get the TPP over the line and sell out our sovereignty.
    It’s the most important issue facing us today, because forget kids in poverty or building roads or any damn thing because if he gets that over the line were Fucked good and proper. Why are only In Internet Mana seeing it as an issue???

  6. Wait for it … I can see it coming … there will be a complaint about Nicky Hagar’s book (from a certain r/w blogger, on behalf of you know who) and bingo, it will be on the banned “not of public interest” list, alongside the Planet Key video/song! Removed from the retail shelves, out of sight!


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