3 strikes for burglars – no gripes with incest – welcome to the modern ACT Party


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Somewhere in NZ a brother and sister who love each other way too much are joyfully toasting Jamie Whyte and the ACT Party as visionaries.

Who would have thought ACTs invisible hand really belonged to a sibling? Surely Adam Smith must be rolling in his grave for a third time?

3 strikes & legal incest – the only people happy with ACT policy are private prisons and Woody Allen. The sad old tired ‘tough on crime’ drum has been bashed and belted around in conjunction with the Sensible Sentencing Lynch Mob so many times I doubt it can draw any real support.

Locking up burglars for 5 years without parole will make the Private Prisons laugh all the way to the bank. The last thing our high incarceration rates need is more prisoners becoming more damaged by their time in prison.

ACT seem to be targeting niche voters – brothers & sisters in love, meth dealers and white angry rich old men – Epsom must be proud.

I love how Matt McCarten’s appointment is a ‘lurch to the left’ but locking up more prisoners, throwing away the RMA and a leader with a fuzzy view on incest hasn’t once been described by any media covering ACTs meeting as a ‘lurch to the right’.

God knows why this is so hard. ACT have plenty of things they could actually rebrand themselves with. The mass surveillance powers of an Orwellian state, the sexism of rape culture and decriminalisation of Cannabis could all be rolled into a freedom of the individual narrative that would sell deceitfully well to the Gen Y kids who know nothing other than a selfish user pays culture. The problem is that ACT are still effectively a hate group for rich white old men who wrap themselves in the cloak of freedom and the cult of the individual with zero interest in expanding those freedoms to any individual other than themselves.

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Beyond all the pious intellectual wank, ACT is what it has always been – a Political Party that plays to the fears of the selfish and rich with all the social responsibility of a crime cartel.


  1. I wish we would concentrate on the things that ACT is likely to concentrate on as things they just might get to fly IF they are of any relevance after the next election, and with Epsom, they just could be. The people who are likely to make a difference are wealthy migrants.
    ACT would have the RMA scrapped altogether, and that would be a “careful what you wish for” scenario, if ever there was one -picture your neighbour to the north and sunward side of you building 4 stories high with no concern for your sunlight, or the one above you installing a pool in a precarious position. It might need tinkering with, but abolition?
    There are a number of things that they would like to do that could have a truly adverse effect on NZ, incest is NOT one of them, let it go and move on to the important stuff, they know they can’t fly that one

  2. Martyn, while Epsom has plenty to be proud about- a nice leafy suburb as David Cunliffe would describe it- and he should know as he lives in one himself, when it comes to politics it has nothing to do with any particular party, rather just about having the political smarts re understanding how MMP works.

  3. Still waiting for you to offer some rational justification for your multiple articles treating legalisation of incest as ACT policy. You do have one, right? Or you wouldn’t be doing it, right?

  4. Incest and abolishing the RMA can result in the same – dysfunctional developments.

    The RMA requires councils to have District or Town Plans, there are two ways to read these plans, what can I do and what can my neighbour do. Loss of amenity means loss of property value, and that would affect National voters just as it would everybody else, if not more, and that’s why we still have an RMA and always will have one.

    The RMA protects property rights!

    And there is the madness of even thinking about to abolish it, the utter lunacy. They are not thinking!

    ACT’s persistent ‘awful-awful-RMA’ hype from the last 20 years, cheer-lead by the libertarians, has made it impossible for them to come up with something closely resembling sensible planning rules.

    And a functional society needs sensible planning rules, protecting what we value.

  5. Years ago, pre MMP but during the debate, my mate Bruce, a Maori reckoned MMP would mean More Maori Politicians, and he was right but unforeseen was the advent of More Moronic Politicians.

  6. Oh I can hardly wait to see how this will pan out. Less taxes, more crims, more billion dollar prisons.

    I wonder what public services will be cut?

    Oh yeah, this is Act. ALL of them!

  7. A philosopher opining on the role of the state into the private lives of the citizenry, with particular focus on who decides who can wed =/= ACT policy.

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