How much more of an arsehole can Judith Collins be while Nelson Mandela is mourned? UPDATE:


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How much more of an arsehole can Judith Collins be while Nelson Mandela is mourned? Her handlers should keep her away from twitter at times of national trauma as she clearly lacks the emotional maturity to add anything constructive.

UPDATE: Showing that she has the EQ of a sadist, Judith’s handlers still have managed to log Judith out of her twitter account. When does Wayne Eagleson step in and divert Judith from a self-maiming media meltdown? Instead of admitting her spite towards Minto was a mistake, Judith decides to attack a poverty rights and social justice campaigner like Sue Bradford as a better media management tactic.

The more I read Judith Collins twitter feed, the more I appreciate what a graceless thug she is.

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How on earth is Judith a Senior Minister?


  1. Thank you Bomber . I now have an image of judy’s arse hole . There goes my sex life . Her kind of dull wit is typical of the idiot and thank God for that . I chill at the thought that she suddenly showed anything other than an animal cunning .

  2. Unbelievable. This is the behaviour of a nasty schoolgirl, and this creepy “woman” is a Cabinet Minister.

    • Forget about being a mere Minister. It’s easy to see why some describe Collins, in old fashioned parlance, as a ‘real bitch.’

      She demonstrates such a cultured lack of class you can see why she is the darling of some right-wingers and why some of them look forward to her being their leader.

  3. Just imagine if someone made such a quip about a funeral of one of her family. She’s be up on her hind legs in righteous indignation faster than you could blink an eye.

    Now, there’s a term for someone who behaves in a socially inappropriate manner because they’re unable to understand common human empathy…

  4. I think its great that Judith is twittering her views. Leaves everyone in no doubt as to where she stands.

    As Abraham Lincoln said (roughly paraphrased): Better to keep your mouth closed and people think you a fool, than to open it and confirm their opinion.

  5. This unthinking and vicious nastiness, is the sort of thing that John Key and his sham coterie of anti-apartheid well wishers want covered up.

    This why they will refuse to have any genuine reconciliation with the anti-apartheid movement until they are forced to.

    The Leader of the Opposition needs to act to end this shameful state of affairs.

    • That pretty much exactly sums up my view. It’s almost like watching Piggy Muldooon all over again. I was rather hoping, following Muldoon, that we would never ever again see a politician in NZ again that would be willing to scrape those sorts of depths; sadly I was too optomistic.

  6. We can readily understand her dislike for the trout label. Trout are shy, sensitive, scintillating animals, often brown or rainbow. Collins is of a more truculent bovine temperament – calculated to appeal to the dairy farmer and heavy machinery vote.

  7. These foul tweets will make her even more popular among her ardent WhaleSpew worshipping followers. After the revolution we should start up a State Dominatrix Service just for those guys. They’d be lined up ten deep to lick Mistress Judith’s boots, which would at least keep them out of public life.

  8. And to think there are those in National who think that Collins is Key’s successor, she’d be as dreadful and nasty as Thatcher, we do not deserve to have her as a cabinet minster let alone as PM.

    How does this government remain so popular?

  9. “Far left”? I don’t think even this blog would share the aims of the far left, so it doesn’t take much to frighten a middle class, middle of the road liberal lackey. No police, no courts, no prisons; how’s that for a far left start? The choice between left and right in this story parliamentary democracy has always been between Tweedledum and Tweedledumer.

  10. Please keep all of this on file. I will be doing so, at least. And also the most asinine, inane, and vicious comments of the pundits that go onto the papers and online forums below articles concerning the state of poverty, beneficiaries, and related … as a record to what both the baying mutants of the most nasty of the Right think of their fellow citizens, and the heroes they adulate really say when their handlers haven’t gotten to the ‘delete’ button quick enough.

    And just prior to the upcoming election, I will be sending that file, (currently entitled “The Idiot File: The Misfit Musings of Morons”) to all pro-National people I know to remind them just exactly what sort of world they are considering voting for.

    Some people need periodic wakeup calls to see who they’re voting for, especially when such outbursts will no doubt be dutifully scrubbed from the record.

    After all, what’s your compliant media good for these days other than to ensure your politically dodgy past is sanitised before the more temperate and just-on-the-fence voter is thinking about to tick the blue option.

    “How fortunate for leaders that men do not think!” as Adolf Hitler once said … the National base is not composed of people who think too hard about what they do I’ve noticed.

    So, they will need to be reminded exactly why thinking about what and who they’re voting for might be a good idea… and a record of these musings would be quite good persuasion to some of them still. The Whale spew followers of course will not be persuaded so easily, but they are the extremists and usually will not be persuaded by anything but a brick to the head I’ve also found – it’s the ones who think Paula Bennet is the kind face of reform, and Key isn’t that bad because he’s a jokey, blokey fellow we’d all apparently enjoy having a beer with, that we need to be most wary of in fact, the “surely it can’t get that bad … can it?” folk.

    People like Collins though, are (with a nod to Cunnliffe’s pun), a whole *different* kettle of fish altogether and need to be stopped getting any more power than they already have …

  11. Just as well Judith Collins wasn’t the Minister of Justice in 1981. Under her direction the police would have been killing the protesters.

  12. […] Laws’ comments come at a time when attention is also focused on intemperate comments made by National Minister, Judith Collins, on Twitter (see: ‘The Standard‘, Judith Collins: The obnoxious right; ‘The Daily Blog‘, How much more of an arsehole can Judith Collins be while Nelson Mandela is mourned? UPDATE). […]

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