When the media eats its own community for breakfast


malcomx newspapers
There’s a reason this qualified journalist doesn’t work in MSM (mainstream media).

Short version: I have this weird little thing called ‘ethics’. I’m interested in advocacy, investigative journalism and social responsibility. And as you’re probably well aware, these have been slaughtered and left to decompose by NZ’s mainstream media. These days, churnalism and deliberately not looking too far under the covers are just the way things work.

Not only that – social responsibility has become a swear word. There is often no thought for the consequences of editorial decisions on our community. The only thing that matters is selling copies and getting hits on stories. What happened to the media’s commitment to the 4th Estate, and to exposing groups and individuals who are out to harm and manipulate us?

The Southland Times committed a jaw-dropping epic fail on social responsibility this week. This piece appeared in the print version and on Stuff on Monday morning. Yes, that’s right – they named the exact location of the abortion clinic at Southland Hospital. What were they thinking?! Was I surprised? No. Furious? You betcha!

I don’t have a single problem with the Southland Times writing and publishing a piece on an overblown (by Southlanders For Life), contradictory addendum by a new Ombudsman on a decision already made by a previous Ombudsman. This addendum is very odd behaviour for an Ombudsman and I’d be interested in hearing from anyone who knows whether Ron Patterson is involved in any religious groups. An Ombudsman is there to be impartial – and this doesn’t read as impartial to me, or anyone I’ve discussed it with. Anyways – no problem with it – apart from one incredibly irresponsible sentence.

Those of you who have been following my blogs, or have an interest in the goings on by pro-lifers over the opening of an abortion service at Southland Hospital, will know that since it was announced it has been a hot potato in our community. There has been an endless stream of protests, discrimination, harassment, intimidation, threats – even of the physical harm variety, abusive behaviour, stalking – I could go on and on and on.

Southland media have been well aware of this, and up until Monday had the common sense to respect requests to keep the location of the clinic secret.

The reasons are very, very important.

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It’s not about being ashamed of the clinic. It’s not about some grand conspiracy by pro-choice supporters and hospital management. It’s not about ‘foiling’ pro-life protestors.

It’s about SAFETY. And RIGHTS.

Abortion is a medical procedure. As such, those accessing it have rights.

To be treated with respect. Freedom from discrimination, coercion, harassment and exploitation. Maintain a sense of dignity. Receive support. Just to name a few. Then there’s the staff. They have the right to work in a safe environment free of harassment too. They have a right to privacy.

So it’s a no brainer that it is socially responsible to patients and staff at Southland Hospital to keep the location quiet. With the extremists of the pro-life movement’s complete lack of boundaries and respect on record, to name it potentially puts the rights of patients and staff at risk.

I’m not stupid, I know a lot of them already know where it is. But as Southlanders For Life have said themselves, they don’t think the person/s making these threats are part of their group – and I do put some stock in that claim (even though we are abused on a weekly basis by people in their group!). So logically if we’re buying that argument, there is at least one ‘rogue’ in Southland who’s going to be thrilled with this information.

I’m also not going to get all hysterical and claim worries of bombings. The scenarios most obvious in mine, and other pro-choicer’s minds are of such a ‘rogue’ lurking in the bush surrounding the hospital, watching staff and patients. Maybe taking photos. Videos. Maybe hollering the same abuse Southlanders For Life protestors hurl at us mere supporters at patients and staff from a distance. Maybe even confronting them, or entering the building. No-one can deny that these scenarios are definitely possible. They have happened at practically every controversial abortion clinic anywhere. And the Southland Times handed it to them on a plate. Now everyone in the world could potentially know it just by Googling. Why?!

But we only quoted Father Vaughan Leslie! – they will cry. Yeah, ummm, sorry, don’t buy that one for a minute. No journalist writing a story like this asks only one question. Especially when the quote doesn’t really match up with the rest of the story. There would have been way more than that discussed. It’s the only subject Father Leslie cares about, so he would have had a lot to say. Why that quote?

Why has the Southland Times, which has up till now respected the wishes of Southland Hospital because of the risk to staff and patients, gone ‘rogue’ themselves? Was it deliberate? If so, why? What was the motive? Or is it a result of the gutting of editorial staff at Fairfax and a journalist who wasn’t thinking?

From the Press Council website:
Everyone is normally entitled to privacy of person, space and personal information, and these rights should be respected by publications. Nevertheless the right of privacy should not interfere with publication of significant matters of public record or public interest.

Space. Patients and staff at the clinic have the right to privacy of space. This space is now open slather. This is a case of a newspaper printing AGAINST its public’s interest. The people most negatively affected by the Time’s decision to publish the location are people from their own community.

Shame on them.


  1. It was only a matter of time, Twitter, and Facebook before this juicy address became available to the Perpetually Offended.

    Your ethics as a journalist have been trumped by the Ends Justify the Means clan, and that clan can be curbed, muted, and contained, but never stopped. They are always with us, that widespread busybody clan.

    Main thing now is how to protect women and staff from unwanted intrusion. Is there anything in the by-laws or statutes that can be applied to make the Righteous averse to ‘exercising their rights to tell people for their own good that they are Sinning’?

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