A brief word on Miley Cyrus and ‘twerking’



Soooo the problem with Miley Cyrus’s performance was her twerking, not the male artist singing a date rape anthem called ‘blurred lines’?

If slut-shaming Miley is acceptable as commentary, where is the outrage at a song promoting rape culture and questionable consent?

The double standards are remarkable


  1. The problem is Bomber is that the media is making this a bigger deal than it is. Who cares about Miley Cyrus? Who cares about Robin Thicke’s supposed rape themed song? Write some shit that we need to read not this bullshit.

    • Who cares Tane …well us mothers aunties and nani’s care a whole lot when our mokopuna are being lead down the garden path by these so called role models ie miley cyrus et al. and we all agree with Martyn that this is some shit we need to read, after reading the lyrics to this sad song sung by a sad man. In Nz the youth rape culture is being re inforced each day by these sad song singer/writers. thanks TDB for bringing this song to our attention

      • Fair call about leading our rangatahi and our mokopuna astray. I agree with you Papatuanuku, however, I know you know that things like this have been happening through mainstream media for decades, there are thousands upon thousands of song which encourage rape culture. Why focus on this one song? Why now? The objectification of women, the enforcement of violence are not new things. We are on the brink of a World War and mainstream media (and now alternative media) have perpetuated this garbage and are distracting us from whats important. Don’t you think its more important that we know about whats happening (or what’s about to happen) in Syria rather than complain about a girl shaking her junk on stage? Or a mainstream pop artist who’s singing just another song about rape? Don’t you think its more important to realize that rangatahi could be sent to Syria, killed in Syria rather than focus on this non-sense?

      • If you care about what your kids consume, the only thing I can suggest is that you consume a better quality of media in your home, if you aren’t already.

        I didn’t grow up to consume pornography, watch trash TV or listen to trashy pop music, not through any particular moral virtue on my part, but because we never had any of that stuff in our house when I was a kid, and it was frowned upon by my folks.

        If you don’t want your kids to consume trash, then don’t consume it yourself. Monkey see; monkey do.

  2. What the fuck is date rape about Blurred Lines? He is singing about having sex with a woman very similar to what Miley portrayed. A woman who he “tried to domesticate” but it “wasn’t in her nature”. Sounds like women’s liberation to me.

    • Gavin, you’ll find that the issue is more with the line ‘you know you want it’ and the singer’s lamentation of the ‘blurred lines’ around little issues like ‘consent’.

  3. Pop culture is generally a load of pornographic prolefeed, so why get angry about it? Dumb people in dumb stuff shocker! Oh noes!

    Standards will never improve because of the audience it’s aimed at = the morons who like X Factor.

    • Why get angry about it?? So you don’t give a damn about the fact that NZ youth of today(=adults of tomorrow) are being conditioned by continuous stream of lowest common denominator morally debased trash /lewd behavior via american entertainment INDUSTRY, until there is no such concept as “standards” any more..? What kind of society will exist then? Worse than now.. one in which 10 & 11yr olds will be having sex?
      Whatever happened to “social responsibility”? A society has to stand up and say NO to these destructive unhealthy outside COMMERCIAL influences. But it’s not happening. Because of neo liberal free market/deregulation/social re engineering past decades. They have deliberately engineered the concept of “social responsibility” out of existence in peoples minds and this is wrong!

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