Citizen A with Julie Fairey & Efeso Collins: Local elections, GCSB & new employment law


Citizen A with Julie Fairey & Efeso Collins: Local elections, GCSB & new employment law


  1. Very good debate on Citizen A, a program I try not to miss every week! I missed it on television this week, so it is great to have it available here. I was also at the anti GCSB bill meeting in the Town Hall in Auckland, and was impressed with the turnout and most speakers.

    I sense a change of the tide in NZ politics, as Key and his “gang” are slowly and gradually losing appeal to even mainstream New Zealanders, who do not usually care too much about political nitty gritty debates, and are rather pre occupied with their house prices, opportunities and job safety.

    I smell a change in the wind, and with Shearer having realised and accepted the inevitable, there is now huge potential for a shift in public sentiment and a change of government next year.

    Let us spread the word and inform, as the mainstream media is NOT doing it!

  2. Well done guys. One thing you might consider re wage rates; going to work is an exchange of your life, with the return being $$. Those hours spent toiling can never be recovered. If we viewed it from this reality, then what value do you place on your life.
    Secondly once that wage falls to an existence level only, that is self imposed slavery. Smashing Unions or removing peoples voices is to ensure that it becomes state sanctioned slavery.

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