Oh! is for Opera



Opéra Risqué’s Oh! is for Opera is a neat idea. How better to make opera relevant to the masses than to add sex and stir. Beautiful women and men in beautiful lingerie with beautiful voices sing beautiful songs. Beautiful.


There were a couple of small things that bugged me, but were pretty minor. The lighting, for example, left too many faces in the shadows for my liking. Tables were set up around the edges with rows in the centre. Nearly half the stall seats were empty though and there would have been enough space to seat everyone around tables, which always help create a cabaret-ey atmosphere.


But the Show itself was very enjoyable. The ‘through-the-ages’ style program was well balanced with a good range of styles and energies. Moving from songs of love to death to joy to madness.


Inevitably, the sexing up of opera works better with some of these than others. The soprano orgasming her way to high notes was very well done and very funny. But the sombre songs sometimes felt a bit forced. How do you sex up a song about preparing to die? Undress her. Sure.

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Overall though, it was a good night and quite easily the most I have ever enjoyed opera.


Tue 5 March – Fri 8 March, 8.00 p.m. Galatos. Adult $25, Conc / Group $20.


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